Chapter 26

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I don't speak with Maya since our last conversation, I feel empty inside me. Riley and Farkle told me that they have a new to say to all of us, I hope is a good one to let us put a smile on our face at least once.


Farkle and I decided to tell them about the pregancy, because soon or later my belly will grow, I will stop going to school and they will start to make questions and I would have to answer them.

My best friend doesn't answer my calls, she is just closed in her bedroom just get out of there  to eat and to go to school, so maybe this new will make her change her mind. Now we are all seat on my living room, Maya included.

-Hey guys, so as told you, me and Farkle have a big new to tell you. Do you want to know? (Riley)

-Yeah we want, I am here for that and I walk too much to be here in time! (Zay)

-So the new is that, me and Riley are expecting a baby, she is pregnant! Who is excited beside us? (Farkle)

-Congratilations, how long? (Smackle)

-Three weeks at least! (Riley)

-Bro I hope that the baby goes out mother, because if it will be like the father, it's terrible! (Lucas said in sarcasm)

-Really funny Lucas, really...(Farkle)

-Riley, Farkle congrats for the baby, everytime you need just call me,I will be happy on walk to here! (Zay)

-Thanks Zay! What about you Maya..... (Riley)

-I am really happy for you three, now I have to go! (Maya said leaving)

The only person I was hopefull it would be happy, was the lat one to talk and then leave me. I don't get her, she is my sister how she didn't have the reaction I expected....she failed me..


I am out of myself, I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't concentrate myself..... something is wrong with me, after what happen with Lucas I stop taking the drugs but I can't, I start feeling hungry and pain, the only solution are the drugs the only difference is that this time it's not just Josh who appear it's also...... my father and Josh's girlfriend. They start screaming at me horrible things and then they hit me harder and harder until I fall on the grown.

I can't tell this to them, they need to know that I am fine, because I am Maya and I am a survivor! 

School day, perfectly normal my favourite day of the week.

-Hey Maya you arrived early today, did you like the last lesson? (T.Candice)

-Yeah I did, it helped a lot! (Maya)

-I am happy to help you, that also my job as your friend not just a boring teacher. I have followed you on school and the only discipline you are good is at mine, so I am offering you explications for free, what do you say? (T.Candice)

-I would really like that, thank you! (Maya said when the rest of the class start coming)


Maya was already seaten on her place and I seat beside her, I know Riley is there but she isn't coming so as Farkle they are going to the hospital for a medical appointment.

-Hey Class, so are you excited for today? (T.Candice)

-Yeah we are....(Maya)

-So today we will talk about thruth or lie! Who do you prefer to hear? (T.Candice)

-I prefer the truth, because the truth doesn't cost anything but a lie could cost you everything! (Lucas)

-Good Lucas, but if the truth it's really hard to admit? (T.Candice)

-Then you have your friends, that's why they exist! (Zay)

-You are right Zay, but if your friends trust you, maybe they will believe in your lie! (T.Candice)

-No, true friends would see a lie even with his eyes close! (Smackle)

-No they wouldn't, because lying is done with words but also with silence! (Maya)

-So if you don't say anything, they will never know! (Lucas)

-You made a conclusion, sometimes you tell a thruth and then run and hide yourself, why? (T.Candice)

-Because it's hard to look at people you disapoint, it's hard to believe what you've done...(Maya)

-But Maya some people will hear you and help you, maybe people don't day the truth because they don't want their illusions to be destroyed, but it as to be done. (T.Candice)

-The lie affect life that affects the trust and the only solution is the truth? (Smackle)

-It is, for example, love! Love is weakest when there is more doubt than trust but love is stongest when we learn to trust inspite the doubts! (T.Candice)

-So to solve a problem we need first to tell the truth, then accepte her and make the love shine, but we already lost the trust of the person so basically we lost her too! (Maya)

-Look Maya, You know the stars are in the sky during the day even if you don't see them, right? (T.Candice)

The bell rang and I left but someone hold my arm and when I turn around I see Lucas, my heart broke and I look on his eyes, I barely breath.

-We need to talk! (Lucas)

Well like he said " we need to talk!", I never thought we would want to look at my face again, I should call him and I didn't do it.

-So what do you want to talk about? (Maya)

-I want to talk about you, so what have you been doing this past two weeks? (Lucas)

-Nothing, just have been on my room thinking on what I can I think! (Maya)

-Did you stop doing that? (Lucas)

-Doing what? (Maya)

-Taking drugs to see Josh! (Lucas)

-Yeah I did,... why do you ask? (Maya said already feeling the hunger starting and the pain)

-Because I have been doing searches about that kind of drug and they say it's hard to let go,because you start feeling hunger and then pain, the person you want to see it's not really who they used to be, and some rare cases they add people into it,people that you don't like. Did you have any of this symptons? (Lucas)

-Of course not, I stop using that as I said before...(Maya said breathing slowly)

-The concluson of the story is that you can have cancer, or even die. I am warning you because after all I still love you, right Maya! 

Then I fell on the grown, I couldn't get up, my heart was slowly the beatings, the only thing I hear was Lucas calling me and in the background Josh,his girlfriend and  my father laughing at me....., I didn't feel anything unless pain, real pain and then I fainted.

Happy ever after...not really! (Lucaya/Joshaya/Riarkle/Smarkle)Where stories live. Discover now