Chapter 1

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Soul: 2Cool4U:) has logged on

Maka: In_Love:) has logged on

Black Star: The_Assassin has logged on

Kid: Perfect_Symmetry has logged on

Tsubaki: Afraid_He'll_Say_No has logged on

Black Star: Hey Soul, Hey everyone

Soul: Hey Maka, Hey Black Star, Hey everyone

Maka: Hey Soul
Private message to Afraid_He'll_Say_No: Are you talking about Black Star?

Tsubaki: Private message to In_Love:): Yes, what do you think he'll say?

Maka: Private message to Afraid_He'll_Say_No: Yes.  Of course, if you're the one who is asking.

Soul: Hey Tsubaki, who are you talking about?

Kid: Ya, who are you talking about?

Black Star: So Tsubaki, who?

Tsubaki: You, Black Star.

Black Star: Me????  What are you afraid that I'll say no to?

Tsubaki: YES YOU!!!!!!!  I..... I am afraid that...... afraid that you'll....... I can't.
Afraid_He'll_Say_No has logged off

Soul: Okay????

Kid: What was that about??

Black Star: I don't know.  I am going to go find out.
The_Assassin has logged off

Tsubaki and Black Star talked about what Tsubaki said on the chat.  Black Star has walked to Tsubaki's room and knocked on the door.  Then opened the door.

Black Star: Hey Tsubaki, what's wrong?

Tsubaki: Oh.... Hey Black Star.
(She said in a sad voce.)

Black Star: What is wrong??  You aren't usually like this.

Tsubaki: (She looks up at Black Star and tears are running down her face.)

Black Star: (He sits down on the bed next to her.)

Tsubaki: (She turns and wraps her arms around him and continues crying *She thinks to herself "I hope what Maka said is true because I could not bare to see him with some other girl.  That would kill me."*)

Black Star: (He wraps his arms around her * He thinks to kimself "I'll never let go of you no matter what happen to me but I'll never let you be with another guy because no matter who they are they will end up hurting you and I can't let that happen ever, not ever."*)
Tsubaki, what are you so afraid of asking me and that you think that I'll say no to????

Tsubaki: (She looks up at him but doesn't let go of him and he looks down at her and doesn't let go of her.)
What I am afraid of is that I will lose you to another girl and then she will become your new weapon and you'll forget all about me!!

Black Star: And where did this idea come from??

Tsubaki: I don't know.  I just can't lose you!!!!

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