Chapter 6

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Soul: What is it Zacora?

Zacora: Oh it's nothing at lest to most.

Maka: And what does that mean?

Zacora: Well.......

Jane: Zacora tell us.

Zacora: That is not how this is going to work. You have to play my game to find out. You must figure it out.

Soul: And what if we don't play your game?

Zacora: If you don't play my game then you will not know something about someone you care for the most, Soul.

Soul: So its about Maka!!

Zacora: Good guess. Here is the riddle. Your blood will go on. Thought your love is strong, it will be put to the test. Only Soul may answer.

Soul: (He thinks on it hard. Then he thinks to himself, "Could she, could Maka be, could Maka be pregnant.")

Zacora: (Tells Maka and Soul using her powers "Good now you know but you can not tell anyone for 24 hours. So you can talk about and decide what you are going to do about it. And so you two know I am happy for you both.")

It is now 10 p.m.

Soul's dad: Let us go to bed. Wes show Ms. Skyal to her room and since her dad did not come, then you can use that room,

Zacora: No need, I don't sleep much.

Now to Maka and Soul, they are in Soul's room and the door is closed.

Maka: I love you, Soul.

Soul: I love you too Maka and can you believe it, a baby!

Maka: I know Soul, I know.
(She go over to the bed and sits down.)

Soul: Do you still want to be with me?

Maka: Soul.......

Soul: (He walks over to Maka and before he can do anything else. Maka jumps up and wraps her arms around his neck.)

Maka: (She kisses Soul, it was a long kisses, then she looks into his eyes.)
I cant do this without you, please don't leave me because I'm pregnant. Please Soul don't leave me. It's my all fault.

Soul: (He wraps his arms around Maka.)
Do you remember the promise I made you late night?

Maka: What promise?

Soul: I promised you that I am going to make you my wife and I going to hold on to till I die. Just because your because you are pregnant will not change that promise. I am the one who got you pregnant and I am not going to leave you. We did this together and we will raise this child together.
(Then he lets go of Maka and lays down on the bed. He pulls Maka on top of him and holds her.)

Maka: Soul, do you remember when I was dating Mark?

Soul: Sadly, yes. Why do you ask?

Maka: There is something about him and I that haven't told you.

Soul: What is it Maka?

Maka: Well....... Mark had got me pregnant but........

Soul: Maka, it's ok you can anything and I wont leave you.

Maka: After I found out that I was pregnant........ I told him and he was upset about it. The next day he left me and I guess it was the stress but not long after that I lost the baby and I don't won't that to happen again.

Soul: (He pulls Maka closer to him.)
Maka are you ok?

Maka: What makes you think that I'm not?

Soul: You seem like something is bothering you.

Maka: I understand if you don't want to stay with me because I am pregnant.

Soul: No.

Maka: What????

Soul: No I am not leaving you. That would hurt you and I couldn't do that to you. Maka you need to stop worrying, I am not going anywhere.

Maka: Ok, ok, ok, Soul love you.
(She yawns.)

Soul: I love you too Maka, now go to sleep, you need your rest. I'll keep you and the baby safe.

Maka: (She nods and falls asleep in Soul's arms.)

Soul: (He kisses the top of Maka's head then falls asleep holding Maka.)

Later Soul's mom walks in Soul's room and see that they are asleep. So she puts a blanket over them then walks out of the room, and shuts the door on the way out.

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