Chapter 5

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It is now about 6:00 a.m.

Soul's sister: (She knocks on Soul's door.)

Soul: Yes?

Soul's sister: (She opens the door and leans in a bit.)
What was that scream about?

Soul: Maka had a bad dream.

Soul's sister: Oh....ok.  Jane and Mack got in late last night.  Breakfast will be ready soon.
(She looks at Maka.)
You should get up and get some food before it's all gone.
(She walks away but doesn't close the door.)

Soul: I won't leave Maka, I promise her that I would be here when she wakes up.

Maka: (She smiles.)
And you did.

Soul: How long have you been awake?

Maka: Sense your sister opened the door.
(She looks up and into his eyes, then kisses him [it was a long kiss].  When they pulled away, she smiles and lays her head down on Soul's chest.)

Soul: We should get up.

Maka: Why?

Soul: If you want to eat then we need to get up.

Maka: Ok.  Are you.....

Soul: Yes, I will stay by your side.

Maka: Thanks Soul.
(She sits up and puts her legs over the side of the bed.)

Soul: You know that offer still stands.

Maka: What offer?

Soul: The offer was for me to marry you right now.

Maka: (She smiles, then gets up and walks to the open door.)
But I am hungry.

Soul: (He gets up and walks over to Maka, then wraps his arms around her.)
Then after breakfast.

Maka: (She giggles.)
Ok.  Come on I want to some food.

Maka and Soul go downstairs to eat breakfast and sit down at the table.

Wes: Soul you decided to show your face?

Soul: Same for you.

Soul's mom: Boys stop it.

Everyone sits down and eat breakfast. After breakfast they go and sit in the living room waiting for the girl to arrive. So sits in a chair and Maka sits on him. Selena sits in the other chair, Souls parents sit on a couch, and just sits on the other couch along with Jane and Mack.

Maka: Soul I'm still tired.

Soul: Go to sleep. I'll stay here and hold you, nothing will hurt you.

Maka: Okay, thank you Soul.
(She kisses his cheek then goes to sleep in his arms.)

Jane: Hey Soul what's wrong with Maka?

Soul: She is tired so she's going to sleep for a bit.

Jane: Awwwwwwwww.  How sweet.

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