Chapter 7

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The next its around 10:00 in the morning and they have already ate breakfast.  They are sitting on the same place as last time.

Soul's mom: Oh Soul, what was the answer to that riddle?

Soul: (He looks at Maka.)

Maka: (She nods her head.)

Soul: Maka is pregnant.

Mack: What????

Maka: Yes brother, I am pregnant.

Mack: Let me guess, Soul is the father. And sis. papa won't be happy if he sees Soul touch you again and he will want to kill Soul.

Maka: Yes Soul is and I know.  Soul I am going to go get on the chat.

Soul: I will join you.

Soul's mom: We are all happy for you both.

Maka and Soul say thanks, then go back to Soul's room and get on the chat.

Kid: Perfect Symmetry has logged on.

Liz: 1 of 2 Twins Guns has logged on.

Tsubaki: Silent Flower has logged on.

Black Star: The Assassin has logged on.

Kid: Perfect Symmetry: So no Maka or Soul?

Tsubaki: Silent flower: I guess not.

Soul: 2Cool4U:) has logged in.

Black Star: The Assassin: Speak of the devil.

Soul: 2Cool4U:) : Who?

Black Star: The Assassin: You...

Tsubaki: Silent Flower: And where is Maka?

Zacora: The Monster has logged on in secret.

Soul: 2Cool4U:) : She is about to get on.

Maka: So Happy:) has logged on.

Tsubaki: Silent Flower: Maka!!!!

Maka: So Happy:) : Hi Tsubaki. How are you?

Tsubaki: Silent Flower: Good, you Maka?

Liz: 1 of 2 Twin Guns: Where did you two go?

Maka: So Happy:) : Happy and to Soul's parents house.

Black Star: The Assassin: Why are you happy?

Soul: 2Cool4U:) : Black Star enough.

Black Star: The Assassin: What?!?!

Maka: So Happy:) : It's ok Soul. The reason why I am happy is just because.

Kid: Perfect Symmetry: I have a feeling that you two are hiding something from us.

Soul: 2Cool4U:) : Do y'all know what Maka pointed out?

Liz: 1 of 2 Twin Guns: No what?

Maka: So Happy:) : That we haven't seen Zacora for awhile but Soul and I saw her yesterday.

Zacora: The Monster is not longer hidden.
Who me?

Tsubaki: Silent Flower: Zacora!!!!!

Kid: Perfect Symmetry: Soul, Maka!!!!

Soul and Maka both say "What!"

Kid: Perfect Symmetry: Are you two hiding something??

Zacora: The Monster: Yes, what are you hiding?

Maka: So Happy:) : What are you talking about?

Soul: 2Cool4U:) : (He chuckles.)

Tsubaki: Silent Flower: Are you two sitting next to each other?

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