Chapter 3

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With Soul and Maka.
Maka is in kitchen washing dishes and Soul is sitting on the couch in the living room.

Maka: Hey Soul, what do you think your patents will think about this?
(She had to kind of yell, so he could hear her.)

Soul: (He got up from the couch and walks into the kitchen.)
What are you talking about?

Maka: I mean your mom hates me.
(She dryes off her hands and turns around so she can see Soul's face.)

Soul: (He walks over to Maka and gets hold of her wrists.)
She does not hate you.

Maka: (She looks up at him with sad eyes.)
She doesn't like me being with you and your dad doesn't like you even knowing me, us being partners.  He would rather me die then marry you.

Soul: (He let's go of her wrists and wraps his arms around her and kisses her.)
I don't care what my family thinks or says about us being engaged because all I care about is your happiness.

Maka: (She wraps her arms around him and leaned her head against his chest.)
But...... Soul I don't want your family to hate you.

Soul: And I don't want to you.  As long as I know that you are happy with your choice then I don't care what anyone says.

Maka: And I am so happy but...........

Soul: Then that I need to hear to be happy, okay Maka.  You don't need to worry about it.

Maka: (She looks up at him.)
Okay, let's go get ready to leave to go see them.

Soul: (He kisses her forehead.)
Okay.  Just so you know Maka that I love you more then anything.

Maka: I know Soul and it would kill me if I lost you.

Soul: You won't ever lose me.

Maka: If you say so.  Now we need to get changed.

Soul: Okay Maka.

They let go of each other and go get changed.  Then they go to the Evens' family manchen in Redwood City.

Soul: (He knocks on the door and takes hold of Maka's hand.)

Soul's sister: (She opens the door and sees Soul and Maka standing there.)
Hello brother, please come in.

Soul: Thanks sis.

Maka and Soul walk into the house and see Soul's sister sitting in a chair, his mom and dad sitting on a couch, and Soul's brother sitting at the piano.  They sit on the other couch.

Soul's mom: Hello Soul, how are you today?

Soul: Hi mom, dad.  I am fine and we have some good news.

Soul's dad: And what is this news?

Soul: Maka and I are engaged.

Both of Soul's siblings are happy for him.

Soul's dad: And what makes her think that she could marry you?

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