Chapter 8

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Before the wedding Soul and Maka told her parents about her being a pregnant.  After they told them, they wanted to kill Soul but Maka didn't let them.  Soul and Maka have made it back to their apartment after the wedding and have changed into something more comfortable. Souls is in the kitchen, washing the dishes.

Maka: (She walks into the kitchen and over to Soul, wrapping her arms around him from behind. Then she lays her head on his back.)

Soul:(When he feels Maka's arms around him, he smiles.)
So Mrs. Evans, are you happy with your new husband?

Maka: Yes I am, I am very happy.

Soul: (He stops washing the dishes and gently turns around in her arms, then kisses her and wraps his arms around her.)
How are you and the baby doing?

Maka: We are fine, and you? How are you doing?

Soul: I am happier then words can say, because I am holding the most important person in the world.

Maka: (She blushes, kissing him deeply.)
Lets go to bed Soul, I am tired.
(Then she yawns, falling asleep in his arms.)

Soul: (He chuckles then picks her up, without hurting the baby, and carries her to their room.  When he gets to her side of the bed, he gently lays her down and covers her up with a blanket so she doesn't get cold.  He walks out of the room and turns off the lights in the rest of the apartment.  Then he walks back to the bedroom and gets into the bed next Maka, turning off the lamp next to the bed.  He turns over and gently wraps his arms around her.)

Maka: (She snuggles up next to Soul, smiling in her sleep.)

The next day, Soul wakes up and Maka is no where to be found in the apartment and there is no note that she left him.  So he goes over to Zacora's house, thinking that Maka might be there and if not, Zacora could tell him where she is.

Soul: (He walks in the door and see Kid, Black Star, and Zacora.)

Black Star: (He see Soul walk in.)
I thought we weren't going to see you today.  So how is Maka doing?

Soul:(He walks over to where the three of them are standing.)
I came to ask if Maka was here or you knew where she is?

Death The Kid: So Maka gone too?

Soul: What do you mean too?!?!?!  Do you not know where she is?!?!

Zacora: NO!!!! Why cant I find them?!?!!

Soul: Who cant you find?!??  Where is Maka???!

Zacora: I cant find Tsubaki, Liz, or Patty!  You don't know where Maka is, she is your new wife.

Soul: No I don't, when I woke up she wasn't in the apartment and she didn't leave a note.  I don't even remember her getting up in the middle of the night.  Can you find her, I need to know if she is ok, if the baby is ok?!?!??

Zacora: I can try, I don't know if I can since I cant find the others.
(She closes her eyes, trying to find Maka's life energy.)
I found her!

Soul: Is she ok?!??  Is the baby ok?!??

Zacora: (Maka begins speaking through her body, "Zacora, is that you?")

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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