Chapter 4

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So Maka and Soul are still asleep and Soul is still holding Maka.

In Maka's dream:

Maka: (She wakes up and see that Soul is not there.  She gets up from the bed [She didn't change into pajamas last night.] And went down stairs.  Then she sees Soul's arm around someone else.)

Soul: (He turns to look at Maka.)
What Maka?

Maka: WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?

Soul: I am holding my future wife.  Oh and I am going need that ring back, NOW!!

Maka: Soul, what are you talking about?

Soul: You heard me!!!!

Maka: Soul but what about us being happy together????

Soul: (He laugh.)
I never loved you.

Back in the real world:

Soul: Maka it is ok, you need to wake up, I am right here.
(He is holding her and she keeps saying "Soul".)

Maka: (She wakes up.)
(She is shaking and panting.)

Soul: (He holds her tighter.)
Sh-sh-sh-sh.  It's okay Maka.  I am right here.

Maka: Soul.
(She starts crying and berries her face in Soul's chest.)

Soul: I'm right here Maka.  You're okay.  It's okay.

Maka: Soul, I'm so scared.

Soul: Their is nothing to be scared of.

Maka: Yes there is!!!!

Soul: What would that be, so I can get rid of it.

Maka: Losing you.  The dream seemed so real.

Soul: Why would you lose me?
(He lifts her head up and looks into her eyes.)

Maka: I don't want to ever lose you.

Soul: I have already told you that you won't ever lose me.

Maka: But the dream..... It was so real.

Soul: Well tell me about it.

Maka: It was here, I had just woken up and weren't here, you had gotten up before me.  Then I went down stiars and saw you holding someone else in your arms.  Then I yelled your name and you looked back and you looked like you weren't happy to see me.  Then I asked you what was going on and you said "I am holding my future wife."  And then you asked my for the ring back and laughed at me and said that you never loved me!!!!

Soul: It's ok Maka, it was just a dream, it's ok.  I would never do that to you.  Do you want to know what I was dreaming about?

Maka: (She stops crying the best she could and looks up at him.)

Soul: (He lifts her head up to his and kisses her.  When they pull away, he smiles.)
Our wedding.  You were so happy, you couldn't stop smiling.  I will never leave you and you need to get through that beautiful head of yours.  The only way I going to leave you is......

Maka: A prettier girl.

Soul: No, the only way I am going to leave you is for me to die.  Maka, you will be Mrs. Soul Eater Evens.

Maka: You still want to marry me, even though you could be even richer than you already are?

Soul: Of course I do. I will marry you right now if that is what you want.

Maka: I am going to go back to sleep, if you promise to here when I wake up.

Soul: I will be happy to.

Maka: And Soul.......

Soul: Yes Maka?

Maka: Will you hold me till I wake up?

Soul: No, I will hold you till I die.

Maka: Thanks Soul.  I love you so much.
(Then she goes back to sleep and Soul is still holding her.)

Soul: I love you Maka much more than you can undstand.   I will protect you from everything if I have to, so you can be safe.
(He kisses the top of her head and then goes back to sleep.)

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