Chapter 2

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We are going to start after graduation is over.  Everyone has graduate, even Crona.

Maka's mom: (She walks up to Maka with Spirit next to her.)
Congratulations Maka.  We are so proud of you.

Maka's dad: We are so happy.

Soul: (He walks up next to Maka and gets hold of her hand* He thinks of the same thing that he has been thing of scins last night "I hope Spirit doesn't kill me because I have made up my mind.  I am going to ask Maka to marry me."* and he squeezes her hand.)

Maka: (She squeezes his hand back *and she thinks to herself "Dad please don't kill Soul, mom please don't kill Soul or let dad kill him."*)
Hey Soul, I am happy you graduated too and thanks mom and dad.
(She leans up against Soul and lets go of his hand.)

Soul: (He let's go of her hand and wraps his arm around Maka and smiles.)

Spirit: (He growls at Soul but doesn't attack him.)
Hello Soul, how are you?

Maka: Dad behave!  Leave Soul alone!

Soul: It's okay Maka, he's just being a dad.

Black Star: (He walks up to Soul and Maka.  And he had Tsubaki with him and they are holding hands.)
Hey Soul, hey guys.

Tsubaki: Hello Maka, are you happy to be done with school?

Maka: Yes!!

Kid: Hey guys.

Spirit: Hey Soul, can I talk to you?!?

Maka: DAD!!!!!!!!  Leave Soul alone!!

Soul: It's okay Maka.  I'll be happy to talk with him if that makes him happy.
(He whispers in Maka's ear "I am not afraid of anything your dad has to say or does to me as long as I know that I will always be able to come back to you with open arms and plus I love you to much to let your dad scare me, okay.")

Maka: (She whispers back in his ear "I just don't want to lose you.  I can't lose you ever, okay, so just don't get killed or hurt.  I couldn't take that.")

Soul: (He turns to face her and wraps his around her and holds her titer so she knows that he wouldn't let go.  He whispers back in her ear "You wont lose me ever okay, and I have something important to ask you when we get home.  So don't you ever be afraid that I will walk away.")

Maka: (She wraps her arms around him.  She whipers back in this ear "I already know what the question is and the answer is yes, of course, I will marry you.")

Soul: (He whispers back in her ear "How did you know that I was what I was going to ask you?  And I must be the lucklyest man the world to have you in my life."  He looks into her eyes and smiles.  Then he kisses her (which makes Spirit frireus) but Soul doesn't care because he has everything he wants from life because he has Maka.)

Maka: (She kisses him back and when they brack, she whispers in his ear "Just come back to me in one peace and I will be the happiest girl alive.")

Soul: (He whispers back in her ear "You have your self a deal and I will collet my reword.  And when we get home I will purpose to you properly."  He kisses her again and when he pulls away, he also let's go of Maka.)
So, Spirit you wanted to speak with me?

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