Soul and Maka's wedding

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Today is the big day for Soul and Maka, there wedding day. The girls are in the dressing room getting ready.

Tsubaki: Maka are you ready?

Maka: Not really.

Tsubaki: Why is that Maka?

Maka: I'm scared.

Tsubaki: Why??

Maka: I am afraid that my mom and dad will try to kill and/or hurt Soul. I mean they did want to kill him when I told them that I was pregnant and that Soul was the father.

Tsubaki: You shouldn't worry.

Maka: I know, I'll feel better after the wedding.

Liz: Everything will be fine.

Now with everyone else as the wedding is about to begin.

Black Star: Soul, you ready?

Soul: ..........

Black Star: Soul!!

Soul: Huh?

Black Star: Are you ready?

Soul: I am worried.

Black Star: Why?  Maka loves you and you love her.

Soul: I am not worried about that Maka might say no.  What worries me is her parents.

Black Star: Makes sense for someone like you, are you going to back out?

Soul: HELL NO!!!!

A small time skip to when the wedding begins.  Soul is standing at the alter, then Maka starts walking down the isle to him.  When she gets to him, he takes her hands and faces her, smiling.

Lord Death's Wife: We are gathered here today for the wedding of Soul Eater Evans and Maka Albarn.  Let us begin with the vows.  Soul repeat after me, "I, Soul Eater Evans, take you Maka Albarn, as my lowfully wedded wife."

Soul: I, Soul Eater Evans, take you Maka Albarn, as my lawfully wedded wife.

Lord Death's Wife: "To have and to hold though sickness and health, for better or worse, to protect with my life."

Soul: To have and to hold though sickness and health, for better or worse, to protect with my life.

Lord Death's Wife: "And with this ring, I will forsake all others."

Soul: And with this ring, I will forsake all others.
(He gently slides her wedding ring ont her wedding finger.)

Lord Death's Wife: Maka do you except this pledge?

Maka: I do.
(She says smiling.)

Lord Death's Wife: Maka, please repeat after me. "I, Maka Albarn, take you Soul Eater Evans, to be my lawfully wedded husband."

Maka: I, Maka Albarn, take you Soul Eater Evans, to be my lawfully wedded husband.

Lord Death's Wife: "To have and to hold though sickness and health, for better or worse, to protect with my life."

Maka: To have and to hold though sickness and health, for better or worse, to protect with my life.

Lord Death's Wife: "And with this ring, I will forsake all others."

Maka: And with this ring, I will forsake all others.
(She gently slides his wedding ring onto his wedding finger.)

Lord Death's Wife: Soul do you except this pledge?

Soul: I do.
(He says smiling.)

Lord Death's Wife: I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

Soul: (He kisses Maka deeply and passionately.)

Maka: (She kisses him back deeply and passionately.)

Lord Death's Wife: Now presenting Mr. and Mrs. Soul Eater Evens.

Then Soul and Maka walk back the isle together, smiling.

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