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"Mummy!!! Don't leave me!" I screamed as my mother put me infront of a massive door.

"When a lady opens this door, you give her this note, Okay?" My mother asked handing me a note.

I slowly nodded, defeated. I watched as my mother walked away from me.

"I love you Alexia." She sighed and changed into her wolf form.

"I love you too mommy." I cried.

I knew she was going to die, I couldn't do anything to help her. I couldn't stop her death. Every child needs their mother.... But I can't have mine.
I slowly walked over to the door and knocked on it.
It was midnight so I didn't think anyone would open the door but to my surprise someone did answer the door.
It swung open revealing a radiant lady. She was about the age of my mother. She had wavy blonde hair that fell down to her waist and vibrant green eyes. She was wearing a purple night gown and a white robe.
She slowly looked down at me and I handed her the note.

"Dear Isabelle, this little girl on your doorstep is my beloved Alexia. Please take her in. I am not able to care for her anymore because the western tribe wants me dead. I can't put her in dangers arms, please take her in for me. Lots Of Love, Rosa." She read out loud.

I wiped away my tears and hugged myself.

"Alexia?" The lady said, crouching down to my height.

I slowly nodded. She grabbed my hand and gently pulled me inside of the house.

"I'm Isabelle, your Luna. Please make yourself at home, I will take you to your mothers old room... You can make the room your own."

She slowly led me up two flights of stairs and then down a long hallway. Together we entered a bedroom, it was more like a mini apartment. It had a queen bed, a two seater couch with a flat screen tv, a walk in wardrobe and bathroom. The only thing it didn't have was a kitchen.

"My room is just upstairs, it has Alpha and Luna on the door, come get me if you need anything. Be safe Alexia. I will protect you with my life, exactly how your mother protected me."

And with that she left the room and left me alone. I crawled over to the White bed and climbed under the covers, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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