Chapter 6

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Slowly crawling into bed I noticed a little note on my pillow.

'How about a redo date my love?'

I giggled and curled up into my blankets. The last thing I remembered was big strong arms wrapping around me as I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up I wasn't in my room. I couldn't remember what happened. I cried out but no one responded.

"Alexia? Where are you?" Dylan's voice boomed in my head.

"Babe? Please help me I don't know where I am..."

I slowly lifted myself up and went over to the door of the room. Surprisingly it unlocked. Outside my door was two men. Once they saw me they both bowed their heads.

"Luna." They said in unison.

I looked around but saw no one else.

"Me?" I asked point to myself.

"Yes you Alexia." One of them said while patting down his wrinkled shirt.

I nodded and then turned to walk away. A firm hand grabbed my arm

"Where are you going?" The tallest one said.

He had lovely blonde hair, and dark brown eyes.

"I need to use the little girls room." I tried quietly.

"Oh ok... right this way." He led me to a pink door.

That is so cliché. Sighing I opened the door to be greeted by a sweet scent. There was a girl there. She was crying. Her flawless face red and blotchy.

"You're Alexia right?" A girl said, she was about my age maybe older.

"That would be me.. who are you?" I asked playing with my hair.

"The names Miranda."

"Right.. Miranda? What's wrong and how do you know me?"

"Well the Alpha here wants to get revenge on Alpha Dylan, so he has taken you and will try and make you love him. I don't know but I think it's rather stupid."

I stared at her, eyes wide, mouth open. Tears started to fall. I couldn't stop them.

"But don't worry I'll help get you out. I don't want anyone else getting handsy with my mate. You know he's an idiot. I'm his mate yet he goes for you."

I smiled at her. That explains why she's crying.

"I have a brilliant idea." I said wiping my eyes.

"You're his mate right? So you will wear the sexiest thing ever and I'll wear boring ugly clothes. He will be with me right but another wolf will come to you and he will go crazy. Is that a good idea? Like he will be all over you and I will have time to escape?" I rushed.

Looking over at Miranda I saw swift slow nods as she wiped away her own tears. Biting my lip we sussed out the finer details.

"Where Is Alexia!?" A loud voice boomed.

A shiver went down my spine.

"Go time." Miranda whispered as I opened the bathroom door.

A man grabbed me and rushed me back to my room. I took a look around and noticed that it wasn't that bad. It was quite small with a tiny little bed but it wasn't the worst.

I looked over at the bed to see a dress.

"Put that on. The alpha requests to see you as soon as possible." The man growled.

I looked at him in shock.

"I am not wearing that." I said folding my arms.

"Yes you are. If you don't put it on yourself I will have to do it myself."

I looked at him with wide eyes. He's not serious is he? Not wanting to take the chance I threw on the dress and grabbed the shoes that were under it. It was a tiny little black dress with black Stelletoes.

The man grabbed my arm and started to lead me down a hallway.

"Keep going down here." He order and walked away leaving me alone.

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