Chapter 4

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I woke up curled into my blanket shaking.

'Did that really happen?' My wolf whimpered quietly.
'Yeah... it did...' I replied crawling out of my bed.

I slowly went into my bathroom and stared at my reflection. My cheek bone and cheek was black and blue, my eye was red and puffy. My lip had split and I don't know how.

I slowly stripped down and jumped into my shower. I stood there for a few minutes and then decided to clean myself.

Wrapping myself in my towel I smelt vanilla and mint. Crud. Tears brimmed my eyes as I stepped out into my room. Sure enough Dylan was standing by my bed. He looked up at me and scanned my body. His eyes stopped on my face. His features filled up with rage. I sighed and walked into my wardrobe. I felt his presence behind me.

"What?!" I snapped turning my head slightly.

Out the corner of my eye I saw hurt flash through his eyes. I should care that I hurt him but he didn't care that he hurt me. I folded my arms and scanned for something to wear.

"Who did this to you? I swear to god when I find him I will rip his-." He started stepping towards me.

"You did." I said putting my hand against his chest so he couldn't come near me.

"I did this...?" He mumbled more to himself.

"Yes." I sighed wiping away a tear.

I turned around to look at him but he was gone. I felt a sharp sting on my wrist. Crud. Throwing on some underwear and a dress, I ran down the hallway and up the stairs to Dylan's room.

"Dylan!?" I screamed searching for him.

When I reached the bathroom door I heard soft crying. I smashed open the door and ran over to him. Cradling him I took the razor blade away from him, I ripped off some of my dressed and I tied it around his cuts.

"Dylan baby? Stay with me please." I whispered playing with his hair.

He was out cold and I couldn't carry him. I probably shouldn't be helping him but I can't help it. I think I love him.

"Please don't leave me. I love you Dylan, don't leave me please." I cried squeezing him.

"Don't you dare die while I'm gone." I said running out of the room.

"Alpha!? Luna?! Doc!? Someone!! Anyone please help!" I screamed running down the stairs.

"Alexia!? Why is it?" Alpha said coming towards me.

"Dylan. Cut. Bleeding. Too heavy. Need help." I puffed putting my hands on my knees.

"What!? Where is he!?" Alpha roared.

"In his bathroom." I whispered slowly sinking to the ground.

Alpha took off running up the stairs. I guess I'll have to come too.

'Get the doctor Alexia.' The alphas voice roared in my head.

I sighed and went down to the doctors room as quick as possible. I walked in without knocking.

Big mistake.

Doc was having sex. And like not just casual sex. Hard core sex... with three girls.

I gasped. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"Doc, Dylan needs you. ASAP." I said and left the room.

A few minutes later we were in the medic room. That is, Alpha, Luna, Doc, Dylan and Me.

Dylan was still out cold. I was sitting next to him holding his hand.

"Luna?" Doc said.

I ignored him and kept looking at Dylan's sleeping face. He looked like an angel.

"Luna?" He said again resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Me?" I asked looking up at him.

He nodded and I looked at Luna Isabelle.

"I'm not Luna..?" I asked.

"You will be the future Luna, that makes you a Luna my dear." Isabelle said confirming.

After she said that the Alpha ushered her out.

"Would you like me to help heal your face Luna?" Doc said moving over to his desk.

"Um yes please." I said letting go of Dylan's hand.

I slowly walked over to his desk and let him heal my face.

After he was done my face was basically back to normal. The only thing off was my split lip. I went back over to Dylan.

"Baby? Can you come lay with me?" Dylan whispered.

I obeyed and climbed into his bed with him.

"I love you Alexia." Dylan mumbled and fell asleep.

"I love you too Dylan."

Slowly I fell asleep.

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