Chapter 3

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I followed Dylan without complaint. He took me out to the forest behind the house.

"Alexia, would you like to go on a date with me? I know you probably still hate me but I really want to make it up to you." He said carefully.

I span around taking in the view. The woods really were beautiful.

"Alexia?" He asked making me face him.

"Huh? Oh um... Yea sure." I mumbled looking down at my feet.

"Can I mark you?"

"Now?" I looked up at him with wide eyes.

The mating process had around three steps; Bite, Lick and then Sex. I shuddered at the thought of sex, I'm only sixteen. I looked back at Dylan to see him nod.

"I just want everyone to back off... I want them to know that you are mine." He said softly.

I turned around to face the trees. Should I let him. He did make my life a living hell. I shook my head and started to walk off.

"Alexia! Lexis! Lex! Stop!" He yelled out after me.

I just kept walking. I couldn't stop. My mind was racing.

-later that day-

"I'll be at your room in ten please be ready."
Dylan's voice suddenly boomed in my head. He had telepathically spoken to me. I quickly went into my wardrobe to get changed. The only thing that stood out was myself in the mirror. I had a good look and realised that I looked casually yet fancy.

Someone knocked at my door. Before I could answer it Dylan walked in.

"Ready?" He asked looking me up and down.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand. Together we went down to his car. He told me to put on a blind fold. So I did. And we just sat there talking.

After like twenty minutes the car stopped and Dylan helped me get out of the car. He guided me for another five minutes and then finally we stopped and he toke off my blind fold.

I stood there for a few minutes taking in the view. There was a picnic table with plates set out, a blanket with some pillows on the ground and a magnificent waterfall. I gasped.

"Do you like it?" Dylan asked holding my arms.

I turned around to face him and saw he was biting his lip. A sudden urge filled me to bite his lip. I fought back the urge and just nodded.

"Very Much Thanks." I turned back and he led me to the table.

-30 mins into the date-

"Alexia I want to take you, right here, right now." Dylan growled.

We were lying on the blanket looking up at the sky, I think he's had to much to drink.

"Take Me?" I asked not quite understanding.

"I want to have Sex with you Alexia."

"Oh.. No Dylan." I said inching away from him.

"What the f*** do you mean no!? I am your mate and you will have sex with me." He yelled.

"Just because you're my mate doesn't mean I have to have sex with you!" I screeched moving away from him.

"You slut! You will have sex with me!" He started walking over to me.

"No Dylan!"

"You are a disgrace! How dare you not have sex with your mate!"

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. My hand flew to my cheek. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He just slapped me. I couldn't say anything. The pain was so much.

"You... You hit me." I gasped slowly standing.

"You deserved it, you are filthy trash. You won't sleep with your own mate. The one you are supposed to be with forever." He growled coming towards me again.

"A true mate wouldn't hit his mate!" I screamed.

I didn't hear his response because I turned around and ran away.

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