Chapter 10

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A Year Later.

"Alexia?" The sweet voice I had gotten used to asked.

"Yes Lucy?"

"Did you have a home before you met me?"

"Yes Lucy. That's what I'm trying to find now."

"When we get there, will I get to go to school?"

"You can have whatever you want Lucy. I will make sure of it." I replied and hoisted her up on my back.

We were walking through a town trying to find my home.

-later that day-

"Can we stop I'm hungry." Lucy demanded.

"Of course Luc." I laughed as we entered a café.

We waited in line for a few minutes before we got to the counter.

"What would you like?" The cashier asked seemingly bored.

"I would like a chocolate chip muffin and a hot chocolate." Lucy squealed barely able to see over the counter.

"And I would like a chocolate cream donut and a flat white coffee."

"That will be $15."

I handed her the money I had gotten from a job a few towns down. We waited at our table for our food.

A waiter put our food on our table when a familiar scent filled my nose. I span around trying to find the owner of the scent.

"Lexi? What's wrong." Lucy asked tugging on my sleeve.

"Dylan." I called ignoring Lucy.

My feet stood up and started moving toward the scent. Tears streamed down my face.

"Dylan!?" I screamed when I opened the door to the café.

I took a few steps out side when I was suddenly engulfed in two strong, warm arms.

"Alexia!" His coarse voice filled my ears.

He sounded like he hadn't slept in ages.

"Oh Dylan! I missed you so much!" I cried letting the tears escape.

We stood like that for about five minutes before Lucy's sweet voice reached my ears.

"Alexia? Who is this?"

"This is Dylan sweetie." I sighed wiping at my tears.

I looked over at the little girl who was now holding our drinks in take away containers and our food.

"The Dylan?" She asked excitedly.

I nodded at her. She suddenly ran towards me and jumped into my arms our food and drinks long forgotten.

"Will he take us home with him Alexia!?"

"I hope so Lucy." I sighed.

"Yes but first. Alexia, I love you so much, I have been searching for you for about a year and a half. Will you marry me?" He asked getting on one knee.

I nodded when no words came out, I had Lucy sitting on my hip and the man I love kneeling infront of me.

-weeks later-

"Alexia!!!" Luna screamed racing my mother to get to me.

"Who is this Alexia?" My mother asked kneeling down to look at Lucy.

"I'm Lucy." Lucy said sticking her free hand out to my mum.

Her other hand was gripping onto mine. My hand that had my engagement ring on.

"Mummy? I mean Alexia. Where's my room." Lucy asked tugging on my arm.

I looked down at Lucy with shock. Did she just call me mummy? She bit her lip and started playing with the end of my shirt.

"You can have my room honey." I laughed, lifting her up into a hug.

"Lexi, who's that." Clay asked.

"This is Lucy, my... soon to be daughter." I smiled remembering when she called me mummy.

"Wait really!?" Lucy squealed.

"I mean only if you want me to be your mum." I said softly.

"And if you want me to be your dad." Dylan added putting his arm on my shoulder.

Lucy nodded and smiled.

-a week later-

"Are you sure you don't want to live in the pack house?" Alpha asked me.

I nodded. I had decided to move into a house across the road. It was a little modern house. Perfect for my little family. Yesterday I had adopted Lucy. We were moving into a cute house with Dylan.

The only thing going through my mind was that I had finally gotten my perfect ending.

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