Chapter 8

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I ran through the forest my feet pounding on the ground. My heart ached, my head hurt, my legs were getting weak. I had been running for almost two hours now, I wanted to get as far away from that place as possible. If I turned into my wolf I would be able to go faster but I just couldn't transform. I was too weak.

I surveyed my surroundings, I was in a small clearing. It had lots of trees brimming it, there was a beautiful waterfall and little lake. I gasped at the beauty and started to make my way over to the lake. My arms reached out and scooped some water into my hands, my mouth greedily swallowed the water. The cool liquid slid down my burning, dry throat. I felt my strength slowly coming back to me. I needed to find a safe place to eat and sleep.

But first I need to cool down. So I slipped out of that skimpy dress and the heels that had been breaking my ankles and jumped into the water. Silently kicking I swam over to the waterfall to wash off all my sweat. I reached out so that my head wouldn't hit the rocks but my hand never made contact with anything. Confused my body floated up and I found myself in some sort of cavern. There was the little lake that led to a smooth rock beach. Ecstatic I swam back and got my clothes and walked around the water. My legs came to a sprint and ran through the waterfall.

'We should camp here for now Lexi.' My wolf purred, obviously not tired anymore.

'I think we will.' I replied before putting on my clothes and drifting off to sleep.


The sun shone bright on the other side of the waterfall, my stomach growled as I woke up. My eyes eagerly scanned my surroundings. Blinking I stood up and started my hunt for food.


Sorry for the short chapter!!!

-Chloe <3

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