Chapter 1

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"Good Morning Lexi!" Luna said opening my curtains.

I sighed and stretched, rubbing my eyes.

"I got an outfit for you, it's on the end of the bed my dear." Luna laughed and slid out of my room gracefully.

I laughed and slowly got out of bed to have a look at the outfit she set up for me. I giggled softly at the mint crop top and light blue denim ripped jeans. I looked down and saw a pair of white stilettos. I ran over to my bathroom and quickly had a shower.

Today is my last day of being fifteen, tomorrow I turn sixteen and I will hopefully meet my mate.

Wrapping my towel around myself, I walked out into my bedroom only to find the soon to be Alpha standing there.

"What do you want?" I asked venom dripping off my voice.

"Nothing that you can give me, I don't want an STD." He spat. "You're a slut, you know that?"

I just sighed and grabbed my clothes. There was no point in fighting back, he could end me so easily. I cherish my life even if he does make it a living hell.

I slowly start to get dressed, not caring that he is still in my room. I heard a low growl behind me. It was quite, barely audible. Throwing on the outfit, I sauntered out of my room leaving the hormone crazy boy in my room.

I quietly giggled to myself and jumped down two flights of stairs and into the kitchen.

"Ah, the princess is awake!!" Melissa squealed running over to me.

"Oh where is this princess!?" I joked, looking around.

"Oh stop it! We all know you would make a better Luna that whoever that scumbag gets put with!!" Stella giggled.

"Lexis is a slut, anyone would make a better Luna than her, not that she's ever going to be Luna, I would rather die than be her mate." Dylan said from behind me.

He obviously heard everything. I heard it in his voice.

"Oh and never call her princess again, she is far from a princess." He snapped and went over to the fridge.

"Princess!!!" I heard a voice scream.

I turned around and was suddenly embraced by a lovely smelling woman. I knew that scent anywhere. Luna.

"Luna!" I cried, hugged her back.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Dylan scowl.

"You look beautiful my dear." Luna said tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Anyway! School time my children!"

The Luna then walked out of the kitchen. We all laughed and grabbed something to eat. Making our way over the the classroom where all the other teen wolves our age would be. I felt a hard body push past me.

"Don't get used to it, she will realise that you are trash, my mother loves me more than anyone. At least my mother didn't leave me here by myself, face it your mother didn't want you." He grunted.

"My mother did want me. She died for me..." I mumbled, fighting tears.

"Sure. You're a disgrace and we both know it. I don't even know why my mother treats you like her own."

"Dylan. That's enough." A powerful voice boomed.

We all looked up to see the alpha standing at the top of the stairs. Dylan whimpered and I looked up at him thankfully.

"Class. Now. All of you except for Dylan and Alexia." He commanded.

I bowed my head and sat on the bottom step. Dylan did the same thing.

"Dylan you need to stop. I don't know what you're issue is with her but you must stop she is apart of this pack."

Dylan didn't look up. He didn't even move.

"You two will spend the night in the same room tonight. You will talk things out and you will be friends. Do you understand?"

I looked up. Surprised. I can't believe what he has just ordered me to do. What the hell. I just nodded and he dismissed me. I sulked all the way to the class.

-later that day-

I was sitting on my laptop scrolling through my music when my door opened.

"The night begins." Alpha said before closing and locking my door.

"Great. Don't give me your stds you slut." Dylan said walking be over to by bed.

"You are not sleeping on my bed." I yelled closing my laptop.

"I'm the soon to be alpha you will treat me with respect. I am sleeping in this bed. I don't care if it's your bed, or your room. This is my house. I can do whatever I want to do." He smirked.

I sighed and stormed into my wardrobe to get into my pyjamas. My blue night gown flew around my body. I shoved on my white silk dressing gown and my white slippers. Quickly throwing my hair up into a messy bun I went over to my couch and laid down.

"You know Alpha said we have to talk it out." I huffed grabbing my throw pillow and blanket

"Well I don't want to."

That was the last thing I heard before I drifted into a slumber.

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