Chapter 5

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My head rose and fell. My eyes fluttered open. My hand gripped onto the closest thing, Dylan. Sighing I slipped off of his bed and started to make my way to the door of the medic room. The sun shone in through the door as I opened it. It felt warm on my skin. I slowly turned around to have one last look at the sleeping Dylan. He looked so peaceful.

"Ahhhh!!! Help me!" A high pitched voice screamed.

I looked around for the scream when a pair of little hands grabbed my legs. Looking down I saw one of the pups.

"Hey little one, what's wrong?" I giggled crouching down to his level.

"All the other pups are chasing me." He said gripping on to me tighter.

"I'm sure they just want to play with you." I mused patting his hair down.

He had soft brown hair, vibrant blue eyes, he was a splitting image of me. If I hadn't known any better I would have thought he was my brother. But that's impossible, my mother died eleven years ago. He had the same lips as me, same nose, even the same ears. I looked down at his hands and saw they looked just like mine but littler.

"Alexia?" I heard a sweet voice ask quietly.

I never thought I would hear that voice again. My head snapped around searching for the lovely face I missed oh so much. My eyes stopped on a pair of beautiful sea blue eyes. The eyes suddenly filled love as mine filled with tears.

"Mum." I whispered.

The little boy tugged on my sleeve. I looked down at his doe eyes.

"Alexia? You're Alexia?" He asked biting his lip.

"Yes Clay, this is Alexia." My mothers sweet voice filled my ears.

The little boy suddenly hugged me so tight. I lost my breath and I hissed. Hugging him back softly I looked up at my mother confused.

"Alexia, this is Clay. Your little brother." She said stepping towards us and resting her hand on my shoulder.

"I. I thought you died mum." I whispered shrugging off her hand.

"I thought I was going to die too Alexia."

"No you can't do this to me. You left me. I had to go through eleven years without a mother. My life was a living hell. How could you do that to me!?" Rage suddenly filled me.

"I thought you would be safe here Alexia..." She soothed grabbing my arm.

"Well you thought wrong. And you had another child!? You didn't even think to find me first!?" I screamed my wolf growling.

The creaking of a door caught my attention. My head snapped in the direction of the sound. Dylan was standing in the door way. His features were laced with concern. He took a step towards me.

"Lex? Is everything alright?" He asked touching my face slightly.

I shot a glance at my mother. Turning back to Dylan I hugged him tightly, hiding my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt how confused her was.

"Baby? You didn't answer me." His voice rang through my ears.

"Baby? Alexia who is this?" My mother asked as I turned towards her.

"That would be my son Rosa." Isabelle said softly from behind my mother and little brother.

"And my mate. Also Dylan meet my mother and my little brother." I said pulling away from Dylan.

Dylan looked down at me then over to my mother. Back and forth a few times.

"Your Mother?" He asked shocked. "I thought she was dead."

"So did everyone else my son." Luna said walking over to him. "Let's leave them alone to talk."

And with that both of them had left the hall way. I looked back at my mother and hugged her. I might have been mad but I missed my mother so much. Clay joined in our hug.

"Let's go out for dinner, just the three of us." Mum said grabbing her bag that had fallen at her feet.

"That sounds great but first, how old is Clay?" I asked playing with his hair.

"He's six." She said as we all walked out of the house.

"You didn't contact me for eleven years and he gets to stay with you for six? Wow mum." I said jokingly.

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