Chapter 9

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I have no idea how long I've been out here anymore. It could be weeks. The one thing I do know is that I have lost my connection with Dylan. I can't contact him and I'm freaking out.

Is it because I've somehow left the pack? I have no idea anymore.

Panting I change back into my clothes. They were getting quite dirty and smelly. I needed new clothes asap. But with what money?

My hand pulled a strand of my tangled hair out of my face.

"Is anyone there!? Help I'm lost!" A little high pitched voice called.

My heart started racing. There was a little girl out here with me. My feet guided me towards the little voice. I stopped at a clearing to find a little girl. She was beautiful. Next to her was a woman, she wasn't breathing.

"H-hello?" The little girl asked looking at me with vibrant green eyes.

"Hi. Is this your mother?" I asked slowly stepping towards her.

The girl nodded gripping onto her mothers hand. The girl looked up at me with a sad smile on her face.

My mind suddenly pictured the one person I missed so much, Dylan. This girl was a mixture of me and him, if I didn't know any better I would say she was our daughter. Dylan's face flashed in my mind again. His emerald green eyes vibrant and caring, his blonde wavy hair, his soft pink lips. I looked back at the girl and examined her features.

She had lovely wavy brown hair, vibrant green eyes that pierced mine, a petite little nose, rosy cheeks and a little button nose.

"I'm Alexia, I won't hurt you." I soothed coming and sitting next to her.

"I'm Lucy, I think my mummy's dead." She cried, jumping onto my lap and crying on my shoulder.

"Do you want me to take care of you Lucy?"

She nodded and griped onto my shirt. Should I trust this little girl? Should I show her what I am.

"I need to show you something Lucy, but you can't tell anyone. Promise?" I asked standing up.

"I promise." She replied standing next to me.

"Ok, stand back."

She did what I said and stood there waiting patiently. My wolf jumped out and I slowly looked at her through my wolf eyes. She gasped and smiled with her pearly white teeth.

"My mummy was one of you." She smiled.

I slowly bent down allowing her to get on my back. She gladly climbed up onto my back.

"Wait. What about my mummy Alexia?" She asked gripping onto my fur.

I slowly pondered over to her mother and dug her a grave.

"Thanks. Now where are we going?"

I focused my mind on Lucy and tried to talk to her telepathically.

"I don't know just yet." I tried.

I heard a gasp.

"How did you do that!?" She squealed.

"I don't know. Maybe we are in a pack together now."

"Let's find a home Alexia."

And with that I started running through the forest.

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