Chapter 2

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I woke up to the nicest scent I could ever imagine. I was in love with that scent. How could I have never smelt it before? Smiling I opened my eyes and looked around trying to hunt down the amazing scent. My eye connected with the only other person in my room. my eyes went wide. I saw everything. I saw our future, our past. Everything that was going to happen. I came back to the present and my wolf screamed inside me.

"Mate, this boy is our mate."

I couldn't stop my tears from falling. Looking up at him I saw his face flash with surprise.

"I'm sorry." I said wiping my tears away.

He tried to come over to me but I just pushed him away. He was the guy who made my life a living hell. I cant believe that he, out of all people is my mate. I always felt an attraction to him, but this, this is the worse thing in the world. I screamed, grabbing my hair and pulling it a little.

"Alexia, stop." He commanded.

I just sat on the ground and looked up at him. I couldn't deal with this.

"Just reject me already. Get it over with." I sighed.

As a wolf you get to chose basically. Most wolves accept it, but there is an off chance one rejects their mate. The bond is still strong it just slowly brakes.

"I'm not going to reject you." He soothed picking me up.

"You hate me." I spat trying to break out of his hold.

"I've never hated you Alexis..."

"Then why would you make my life a living hell!?" I screamed hitting him.

"I was making you stronger Lexis."

I knew I shouldn't but I was starting to melt. No Lexis don't fall for him. I let out a sob and crumbled into his arms.

"Lexis I love you and I always will. Please forgive me Lex?" He soothed and stroked my hair.

I simply nodded.
"I'll give you another chance..." I whispered.

He propped me on my bed and did a victory dance. I giggled and went to get changed. I threw on a nice blue flowy crop top and a white skater skirt. I popped on some blue wedges and chucked on a white leather jacket.

Together we walked down to the kitchen. He tried to put his arm around me but I shrugged it off. When we got the Mark, one of my friends, came up and hugged me.

"You made it through the night!" He laughed kissing my cheek.

I heard a low growl behind me. I swatted it out of my head and skipped over to the fridge.

"Happy Birthday Alexia!" Luna yelled hugging me.

I hugged her back and my thoughts started to race.
She's never going to get to see me as Luna... Would she? That would mean Alpha would have to die.... Or herself.

I stopped thinking about it and giggled softly as Dylan pulled me away from everyone.

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