A New Life (Nash Grier fanfiction)

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My name is Autumn Rose Blunt. I am 14 years old, I live with my aunt and uncle. I have curly brown hair that lays flat and emerald green eyes. I have a very high metabulism which makes it so i'm like a stick and can't gain a pound and I have a part time job cleaning our main super market down town and another part time job at Wendy's cleaning the tables and taking out trash.  I have a school and work permit so I can drive alone when i'm going to those places. I live on the outskirts of town in Albany Oregon. When I was 12 my parents died in a car accident. My aunt is disabled and over weight so she spends most of her time in front of the tv in her wheel chair. My uncle is an alcoholic and doesn't work because my aunt gets social security. I have to work and help pay bills or else I have been warned many times that I will be kicked out. I am bullied a lot at school because I have a long scar down my cheek, arm, back, and stomach. I also am dyslexic and kids make fun of me for writing letters and numbers backwards. Nobody knows why I have the scars but they don't care to ask. Me, my aunt, and uncle live in an old farm house with two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, kitchen, dining room, and porch. We have no heat and half the time no electricity because my uncle spends so much money on boose which is also why I was forced to get a second  job. I help pay bills and support myself.  Well I have to go to school now. 

"Okay class take your seats no fooling around today, the big test is tomorrow." Says the teacher as we all sit down. I raise my hand "What are all of the subjects we are being tested on?" I ask hunching down. "Math, science, and your grammar." The teacher says sternly. "Also you have to pick a history book to read and write an essay on it." She says turning her attention back to the chalk board. I got kind of worried because I am not very smart. I can divide, add, multiply, spell and all of that but its really hard for me to soak in new stuff. I have a hard time dividing numbers in the hundreds and even tens. "What are you scared you're going to write your whole essay backwards?" I hear a girl say in a snobby sarcastic voice. The whole class laughed but I ignored them. "Settle down children. I said you shall not act like fools today. Any other day you do but today I will put my foot down and start giving detentions and suspentions. Don't even think if you get suspended you won't have to do the essay because I will send it home to you with a history book of my choice and a punishment of more homework so I suggest you straighten up." The teacher says in a bitter voice. The whole class quiets down. *thirty minutes later* *riiiiiiiing* FINALLY! Lunch break. I'm not very hungry but it gives me more time to write letters to my grandma. I would live with her but she lives all the way in North Carolina  and I don't have the money to get out there. I was saving up to go but in the middle of the night my uncle came home drunk while I was sleeping. I had saved up about $300. He came in and took it and gambled it all away.  I have $5.00 to get lunch so lets see what I can get. A sandwich and 2 apple slices, that will do. I always have to put 75% of my pay checks towards bills and sometimes groceries and gas money. I pay about  20% more towards schooling. Then the other 5% goes to school lunch. Its hard having to be the adult at my house but somehow I am managing. 

Finally school is over, time to go to the super market. "Autumn its so nice to see you again!" I hear a familiar voice yell. "Hey Trisha" I say back smiling while putting on my apron and grabbing the mop. "How was school" She says while restocking shelves. "Eh the same as always the kids are as mean as ever." I say glumly. "I know what will cheer you up." She says putting the box down. "Come with me" I follow her into the back room. "Here these are fresh." She says handing me a box of bananas, strawberries, and grapes. "And take these too" She says handing me a box full of frozen tv dinners. "Really?" I say in shock. "Yes you deserve them take them home. Use the extra money you saved to go buy some more clothes and some new shoes." She says smiling. "Thank you" I say. I finish my job, put the boxes in my trunk and head home. "Hi aunt Mellanie" I say walking in with the boxes. "What do you have?" She says, I walk over and show her. "Mmm be a good girl and cook me one of those frozen dinners would you?" She says with a fake voice. "Yeah I guess" I say cooking it. I come back in with it and sit down next to her. "You know its funny." I say looking down. "Whats that?" She says watching a cat litter commercial. "Well I just realized almost everyone I know asks me how school is.. excpet for you guys. And you don't really care about my grades." I say to her. "Oh I'm sure you're doing fine, now sshh my shows back on." My aunt says paying attention to the tv and making the 'shoo' gesture towards me with her hand while taking a bite of pizza. I leave the room and go take a shower, do my homework (the best to my ability) and go in my bedroom. Its 4:28 my uncle usually come home around 4:15 he will be here any minute. When he comes home from the bar with no food set for him, he gets super angry and destructive. I run down stairs, pop a frozen dinner in the microwave, and slice up some bananas and strawberries and mix them together with grapes and put them in a bowl. My uncle will have a frozen pizza dinner and a bowl of fruit salad. I hurry and put them on the table with a drink of ice cold root beer and  silverwear wrapped in a napkin as he pulls into the driveway. Then as I hear the door slam, hes in the porch still, I run up to my room, lock it and go to bed while he eats his dinner and everything is peaceful. 

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