Chapter 6

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Its been 2 months and me and Nash have been hanging out everyday but nothings really happened. I also haven't started school yet  because they couldn't get me in when I got there and my aunt hasn't told me when i'm going to.  I went into my closet and saw a dresser I must've missed before. I opened it up in the top drawer was  more underwear, bras, and socks. Next was some more shirts. Next was more pants and shorts and skirts and finally was some more pajamas. I had all of this stuff on racks too but i guess there wasn't enough room so they put the rest in the dresser. I grab some fuzzy pink pajama shorts, a pink lace tank top, and some pink socks. I get in the shower and brush my hair and teeth, clean off my makeup, and put on my pajamas and get into bed all snuggled up in my comforter playing Flappy Bird. *knock knock knock* "Come in!!" I yell. Hayley walks in with Bunny slippers on and pajamas. "I need advice Autumn. You're the closest thing I have to an older sister" She says sitting on my bed. "You can always think of me as an older sister, i think of you as a younger sister rather than a cousin" I tell her. Shes holding her white Iphone. "Wait you got a gold one? Lucky I wanted that one but all they had left was white when i got mine its okay though cause they work the same" she said giggling. "Anyways, you know Hayes? Well I really like him. Should I tell him. What should I do?" She says. "Aww haha. I will tell Nash. I think Hayes likes you too" I say cheering her up. "Really?" She says. Her face lights up. "Yes. Just look at the way he looks at you!" I say. "Oh yeah, I think Nash likes you" she says with a smirk.  I blush instantly. "I don't even know him that well." I say trying to cover up my blushing. " I'm texting Hayes right now. We're talking about ice cream, we are so in love!!" She says while laughing as she walks out of my room. *snap* i hear something hit my balcony door. I walk over and open the door and go stand on the balcony. I look down to see Nash I suddenly get embarrassed because I remember I wasn't wearing makeup. "Autumn will you come down for a minute" he says smiling. "Sure ill be down go wait at the front door" I yell down running out of my room and to the door. I open the door "come in but be quiet cause everyone else is sleeping we can go in my room." I say walking up the stairs. He follows. We go in my room and I quietly close the door. "So what do you need?" I say sitting on my bed. He sits in the leather chair. "Well I was gonna ask for your phone number because I know you just got it an probably don't know anyone. Plus i'm super bored and I wanna text you." He says. Aww why would he wanna text me? Who cares, I wanna text him too. "Here" I saw writing it down and handing it to him. *bleep* "NEW TEXT" my phone shows. "Let me add you as a contact." I say. "Okay ill add you as one too" he says. 

Nash: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Autumn: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

"Okay it works" I say. "Oh and another thing I was gonna tell you Nash is, Hayley really likes Hayes. She told me and I told her I would tell you. I don't want you to tell him flat out, I want you to make conversation with him and get onto the subject and ask if he likes her. But don't say she likes him unless he likes her too or else it will ruin their friendship and she will hate me forever" I say. "Slow down. I will haha." Nash says laughing. "Well goodnight Mr. Grier text me when you get home" I say jokingly while waving him goodbye. "Goodnight Ms. Blunt and I will (;" He says cheekishly with a wink. After I got in my room me and Nash texted for two hours until I went to sleep. 

Nash: I'm home

Autumn: What took so long?! Jk

Nash: A dinosaur was crossing through the yard between our houses (;

Autumn: Yupp and it was wearing a tutu

and so on.. I feel like i could talk to him for hours he was so nice and funnt and entertaining i love him so much. Wait what am I saying? I've known him for two months.. jeez. I can't let my thoughts get ahead of myself. I need to be realistic. Anyways, its 10 am and i'm the only one up. My grandma told me last night though that everyone else gets up at 10:30. I decided to brush my teeth and hair. I'll get dressed in a little while after some freshening up. *Bleeeeeeeeep* I heard an alarm sing. Then another one "blurp blurp blurp" and the last one *bloop bloop bloop* I heard some grunts and then all the alarms were off and people were up. I sat in the kitchen on my phone and played Flappy Bird when my aunt Kelly walked out "Hi honey, how did you sleep?" She asks with a tired yet sincere smile while making coffee. " I slept great! What about you?' I reply. "I slept good too, was your bed comfy, was your room warm or cool enough?" She asks. "My bed was very comfy and the tempature was perfect, everything here is perfect." I say. She smiles at me and I smile back. *bleep* "NEW TEXT" 



Nash: Okay we'll have them eat out together and go to the movies!!

Autumn: Okay! She will love that!!!

Nash: So will he well ttyl

Autumn: Kk ttyl

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