Chapter 12

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*DIIIIING DOOONG* I hear the door bell. "I got it" I yell. "I'll be back later byee" I yell again and walk out. 


I was not expecting Autumn to look so.. beautiful. I wonder if her and Nash are done? This could be my chance. "You look good" I say. "Thanks but Mr. Espinosa you don't need to feed me compliments, you know this isn't  date" She says laughing. I love her sense of humor. "Of course madam" I say back jokingly. I wish it was one though. We decide to walk to the park. "Lets swing" I yell. I run and sit on the swing and Autumn sits next to me. We swing for a while and talk then we sit on the concrete under a little open shelter thingy. 


"Wanna listen to some music?" I ask Matt. "Sure" He replies smiling. I play "Be alright" acoustic version by Justin Bieber. "Ugh do we have to listen to this?" Matt says laughing. "yess" I say back. We sit for a minute. "Autumn can I just say something?" Matt says. "Sure" I say. He looks into my eyes. "You're the most perfect girl I've ever seen I just like you so much" He says inching closer to my face. "Matt you're super sweet and funny and cute" I say back. He holds his finger up to my lips then gets really close to my face. Our faces were literally about 3 cenitmeters apart. Then boom. He kisses me. We keep kissing for about 10 seconds, our lips moving together in sync but then I jolt my head back "I'm sorry I can't do this Matt I just can't.. i'm dating Nash.. I think." scooting back a little. "I'm sorry its my fault I shouldn't have came onto you like that." Matt says, he looks down and I can tell hes hurt. I take my fingers and gently turn his head to face me. I cup his face in my hands. "Matt you're amazing, you're smart, funny, caring, and in all you just have a perfect personality plus you're super cute so what girl wouldn't die to be with you? Listen to me, if things don't work with me and Nash I will go on a date with you understood?" I say. "Okay" he says happily. I quickly peck him on the lips one more time and we get up to leave. "Well see you later." Matt says dropping me off at my house. "Okay text me" I yell waving goodbye. I go up to my room and lay on my bed. Wow. I kissed Matt and I might still have a boyfriend. Was I cheating on him? I hope not.. This is all too confusing. Everything's just happening so fast. *BEEEP*


Nash: Babe can you come meet me outside, we really need to talk.. I'm ready now.

Me: Thank god!! Yes i'll be out in a minute


I run up and hug Nash. "So what do you need to talk to me about?" I ask. "Well, you know how i make vines and videos?" He says looking down. "Yeah what about it?" I ask. "Well, in 2 days I have to go to a Magcon tour.. For 3 months in Missouri." He says not looking at me at all. "What? Why didn't you tell me?" I ask confused with tears building up in my eyes. "Well I didn't like the thought of leaving you and I didn't want you to be sad or mad at me." He says finally looking up. "Nash i'm not mad, its just that's a long time and there are so many girls. What if you fall in love with one of them and end up leaving me?" I say getting sadder. "Autumn! I could never do that. I love you more than anything in this entire world. Actually you are my world. No girl can compare to you, you're just perfect." He says starting to cry a little. "Nash.. do you think we will break up?" I ask looking down. "I don't know.. That's what I am scared of" he says with tears running down his face. "I need to talk to my manager I have to go." He says running to his house. I go inside and run up the stairs and go in my room and instantly start bawling. "Stupid boys, stupid North Carolina, stupid life just stupid everything!" I say aloud. *knock knock knock* "Autumn? Are you okay? Can I come in?" I hear my sister say. I quickly dry my tears. "Yeah i'm fine. I just need some time alone, okay?" I ask. "Okay, me and mom are going for ie cream, you want some?" She asks through the door. "No i'm fine. Have fun" I say in the nicest way possible. She leaves. *DING DOOOOONG* Someones at the door. I normally wouldn't go get it when i'm like this but my grandmas at bingo night and my dads with some of his friends watching football at the bar. I try and put on some eye shadow to cover my crying the best I can and go downstairs. I open the door to Nash, surprisingly with a happy look on his face. "Autumn I have some good news.. Well i think it is." He says smiling. I back up and motion him to come in. We sit in the living room together. "Okay so I talked to my manager and he said that you can come to Magcon with me and Hayes if you'd like. It will only be me, you, Hayes, Matt, Cameron, Jc, and Hayley can come if she wants. "Really?" I say getting happier. "Of course! But you'll need parent consent." Nash says. "My sister and mom went out for ice cream so ill ask when they're back." I say. "Okay well I need to go finish homework and get packing for the trip." Nash says walking to the door. "Okay text me later" I say pecking him on the lips. I decide to change into pajamas and take off my makeup. Then I brush my hair and go down for a snack. I sit at the island in the kitchen on my phone and eating a slice of left over pizza, my mom and sister walk in. "Hey mom!" I yell jumping up and running to the walk in. "Hey sweetie" She says back smiling. "okay so I know this is kinda a big question, but I was wondering if in 2 days, I could go with Nash to Magcon for three months in Missouri." I ask. "Well, that's a long time but i'll have to talk to Mrs. Grier and get the details." My mom says setting down her keys. "Okay" I say walking back to the kichen. "Oh yeah and Hayley, they said you can come too because Hayes is going." I say smiling at her. "Oh mom can I please??!!! I'll stay with Autumn, I promise." She says doing the puppy dog eyes at my mom. "Let me get the details first girls, then ill let you guys know. I'v got it, tomorrow we'll invite Mrs. Grier, Skylynn, Hayes, and Nash over for dinner, then after, we can talk about it." My mom says smiling. "Okay i'll text Nash and see if they're open for tomorrow night" I say back.

Me: Hey my mom wants to invite you guys over for dinner tomorrow and talk about Magcon with your mom

Nash: My mom said that sounds like a good idea (: What time should we come?

Me: We are having dinner tomorrow at 6:00 so come anytime before that. Lol

Nash: Okay we'll be over around 5:45

Me: Okay bye luh you bae c;

Nash: Luh you too bae c;

It was about 10:30 so I just decided to get on Twitter. I look at my mentions and interactions. Wow, the hate actually had really died down. I think I saw only about 5 hate comments out of 300. But people were saying "Have you and nash had sex yet?" And stuff and then they were saying 'if you have, you should prank him and tell him your pregnant and record it! i wanna see his reaction (:" I decided to try and tweet something simple. "We haven't done that kind of stuff guys, but if we do, then I will for sure pull the prank and record it (:" I tweet. I decide to go to bed.


Okay guys so I finally updated! Sorry I am really trying to figure out what to do with the story and where to take it but ill keep trying to update (:

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