Chapter 3

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*On the plane* "how have they been to you?' My grandma asks turning her attention to me. "Well, do you want the truth?" I ask kinda nervously. "Of course I do" She says. "Well my aunt has social security because she can't walk, my uncle takes advantage of the free money and takes it and gambles it all away. So then Im stuck with two part time jobs. I managed to pay for school, gas, help pay bills, and buy groceries. When my uncle would come home drunk, almost every night, he was very abusive towards me and especially when he didn't have supper sitting out for him. When I tried to tell my aunt she would tell me that I must have done something to upset him but I didn't do anything. I only have a matress, blanket, pillow, three outfits, 2 pairs of shoes, and 4 books and some makeup and I had an old car that I bought from the junk yard and it still ran some what decent and I get bullied at school every day for being dyslexic." I say just spilling my words all over my grandma. After hearing everything, she sat silent for a minute with her head down. "You should've told me sooner" she says kinda quietly with guilt in her voice. "Grandma I would have but my aunt would always read every letter before I sent it to make sure I didn't write anything that might make them look bad" I say glumly. *4 hours later* i must've fallen asleep because before I knew it, my grandma was excitedly shaking me and we were getting off the plane and into a taxi. I read a huge sign above us that said "Welcome to North Carolina" I smiled at the thought of being away from my aunt and uncle and getting to meet my other ones soon. In the taxi it was warm, and smelt like a deep rich chocolate, I don't know why though. I felt my eye getting heavier, and soon fell asleep. About an hour later, I felt my grandma shake me and we pulled into a drive way of a very, very large nice house. It was the most gorgeous house I had ever layed my eyes on it was white with golden ruffles around the roof and it had red shutters and big white pillars in the drive way with a huge fresh green lawn. It was now about 1 in the afternoon, so I had no doubt that the kids were still in school. It was weird because here, high school starts in eigth grade so guess where i'm going. Its hard enough being the new kid, but also being in the baby grade of the school?! I'm going to be stared at like I was an alien that just crashed through the ceiling in a UFO. But luckily, it was Friday so I had a few days to get around until Monday.. going to school. I walked inside the house and was instantly in awe. Golden pillars with a grand stair case, the floors were a super nicely polished hard wood, a little table with a vase of roses in it, and to the right was a huge living room (twice the size of my old one) with white plush carpet, a huge black leather couch with a matching love seat and two chairs. There was a coffee table with a white sparkly runner across it and one short fat red candle on each end of the table. Across from the couch was a huge brick fire place with pictures lining the top, even some of me and above, a huge 70 inch flat screen mounted on the wall. On a nearby stand, hooked up to the tv was a wii, x box, dvd player, and kinect. Then to the left of the walk in, was the same hard wood smooth flooring, but this room had an antique looking table with another flower vase in the middle of it, but this time the vase held white and bright pink tulips instead of cherry red roses. In the walk in if you keep going straight passed the stairs, theres a hallway with 2 doors on each side. Each knob was crystle. I opened the first door to a yellow bathroom with white and yellow tiling floor, bright yellow walls, and a blue and yellow shower curtain. In the bathroom they even had a seperate jicuzzi bath tub. Then a huge white counter with drawers. Inside was everything from extra unopened tooth brushes to make up to acne cream. In the next room was a soda machine, huge chair, snack machine, and 50 inch tv mounted on the wall. I walked over to a leather foot stool that opened. Inside were blankets. My aunt came in after me "Oh this is your uncles relaxing room. Haha he has to have a room to watch his football in he says." My aunt said laughing. I walk out of the room and see a white door with a glittery pink sign that said "Hayleys room stay out!!" Whos Hayley? I wonder. Ignoring the sign, I walk in the room to find a double bed with a polka dot pink and brown comforter and matching pillows. Pictures were mounted on the wall of a little girl in dance costumes and above it hung a pink sign that said "Hayley" I looked around. She had a little desk with a mirror and a matching chair with a white lace bow on the mirror and stool. The mirror was the kind that has the bulbs around it so it lights up. Then she had a balcony with double glass slide doors. On the other side of her room she has a huge white leather chair that you could just kick back in and realx all day. And of course mounted to her wall, was a 50 inch tv with a ps2, dvd player, and a ds sitting next to it. Then by her white leather chair, she had a long toy box lined with stuffed animals. She had a closet but the door was closed so I didn't bother to go in. I walk to the last room in the hall and go in. I see its my grandmas room. It has violet colored walls, and pictures of her and my grandpa lined on a tv stand. She has a 50 inch flat screen but instead of it being mounted, it was on a stand. She also had 4 pics of me and 4 of Hayley. I am still wondering who Hayley is. Anyways, she has a green and purple flowery bead spread on a king sized plump bed. I realized all of the bedrooms had the same white plush carpet. I went into the basement, it had blue plush carpet instead of white. One door lead to a work out room and in a door next to it is a guest bedroom. I barely knew these people, but I knew for sure they were rich.

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