X Chapter 5 X

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Harley's POV

I'm so fucken bored I swear, it's so lonely without Jamie and I'm pretty sure deadshot is dead cause he hasn't moved in almost 2 weeks.

Anyway I was just sitting there doing nothing when all of a sudden I heard this really familiar voice....

"Hey guy's"

Jamie's POV

There faces were hilarious, they were all shocked to see me.

"The fuck" say's Harley as she tackles me into a hug

"You gonna give me a hug" I say as I motion Floyd over

"Fuck yeah" say's Floyd as he gives me bone crushing hug

"I missed you" whispers Floyd

"I missed you too" I say as I hug him back.

"Were's Chato" I say as I look around

"He has been locked away again" say's Boomerang

"What, why" I say as I stare at Boomerang

"Appartently he burnt one of the guards" say's Boomerang

"Bullshit, he would never do that, I swear these guards will do anything to get us locked away" I say as I take a seat beside Harley

"Yeah I know and I don't know when i'm gonna see my puddin again" say's Harley

" Aww Harls you'll see him soon" I say as I hug her

"Yeah I hope so" say's Harley while hugging me back

This place is really messed up and I want out, they say if we do this mission they will agree to take 10 years of are sentence but what difference will that make. If I don't get out now, I will go insane I swear

Let's hope I get out soon....
Short chapter sorry

Anyway I see you's are adding this story to your reading list and that you are following me so thank you......

Bye my Little Ninja Turtles......XD

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