X Chapter 29 X

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Jamie's POV

So this week has been eventful, I found out that Steve and Tony were together and so were Wade and Peter and Clint and Peitro, then Boomer got beat up like 3 times because he keep hitting on Scarlet which was extremely funny and finally Wade punched Floyd because he seen him kissing some other superheroe called Sophia so yeah...

Also me and Floyd haven't spoken at all and to be honest I kinda miss him but I know that I just need to take a break from everything because I'm constantly stressed out and according to Banner it's not good for my health...

"Hey" say's Harley as she joins me in the sofa

"Ah hey" I say as I resume my game..

"You ok" say's Harley

"Uh yeah" I say

"You do know that he's really upset and that he is sorry" say's Harley

"Yeah but why can't he grow a pair and say it to my face" I say annoyed

"I'm sorry" say's a voice from the other side if the room

"Floyd" I say as I pause my game and sit up

"Yeah it's me and i'm sorry" say's Floyd as he walks towards me

"I'm gonna go" say's Harley as she gets up and leaves the room..

"Why did you kiss her" I say as I bring my knees up to my chest

"I didn't Jamie, she kissed me" say's Floyd as he sits on the table opposite me

"Why would you believe, a backstabbing bastard like him" say's a voice that I could regconise a mile away..

Why does this shit always happen to me...
Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I've just been really busy but I do want to thank everyone who is reading, liking and commenting on this book, I am really grateful so thank you so much..

Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!


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