X Chapter 8 X

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June's POV (surprise)

I hate this other side of me, it makes me out to be some type of monster when I'm not. I don't want to go near Rick because I am terrified of what I can do.

Amanda has called me into the board room and I know what she will do...

Third Person POV

"Let Enchantress come out" say's Amanda sternly

"Okay" June whispers as she reveals herself as Enchantress

"This is Enchantress, also know as June Moone, I have her heart which can stop her from doing things, watch" say's Amanda as she tells Enchantress to stand beside the Head Chair.

As Enchantress does so, she starts to get a little out of hand, so Amanda stabs the heart a couple of times and Enchantress evenutally turns back into June..

June's POV

"Please don't make me do that again" I say as I cry into Ricks chest

"Take her away" orders Amanda to Rick

I never want to do that again please no....

Jamie's POV

Did I ever tell you that I have another secret power, well let me tell you what it is.

I can raise the dead

Weird right, but they fight so well so it's okay for me. I did scare my parents with that one, so that is why I had hid it for so long but I may now use it on Enchantress...

Lets see what this bitch has to offer..

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