X Chapter 36 X

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Jamie's POV

So i'm just sitting here in my room thinking about food and also how i've arranged a meeting with the guys and we are all going to sit down tonight and discuss the matter. Whether we are going to kill Amanda or not. Cause lets be honest with ourselves here, shes an on going problem and none of us will never be truely happy unless shes gone.

"What ya thinking about" say's Floyd as he walks into my room

"Well for starters i'm hungry, but I don't know if I want pop tarts or curry" I say

"You could have both, not sure how it would taste but you could always give it a try" say's Floyd as he sits on the bed next to me

"I actually might try that" I say as I laugh to myself

"You always were a weird one when it came to food combinations" laughs Floyd

"Hey, someone foods are meant to be together" I laugh

"If ya say so" say's Floyd

"I'm also thinking about this meeting that's going down tonight" I say

"Oh really, think it won't go well" questions Floyd

"No I think it will go well I just don't know what to do" I say as I put my head in my hands

"Everything will be okay will figure it out" say's Floyd

"You think so" I say as I look at him

"I know so" say's Floyd as he leans in a kisses me

You know what happened next.

Pineapples 🍍

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