X Chapter 33 X

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Jamie's POV

The atmosphere is tense. No ones really talking to Mr J or Harley, well to be honest why would they. I love them both, but the two of them are fucking idiots. I told them not to go out at all because I knew once they hit the streets, all someone had to do was say something bad and they're dead.

That's how their brains work, but of course no one listens to me. And now were all targets and were all going to be dead soon.

"Jamieeeeeee" whines Harley

"Jamieeeeeeeeeeeee" whines Harley again

"What do you want" I say as look up from the Tv

"I want you to talk to me I miss you" whines Harley

"Well you shouldn't have gone on a killing spree, now should ya" I say

"I said I was sorry" pouts Harley

"I don't care Harley, you crossed the line" I say as I turn my attention back to the tv

"What else do you want me to" say's Harley

"Stay in the house and fucking listen to me" I say

"You don't own me Jamie" spits Harley

"I know I don't but you're like a sister to me and I don't want to see you get hurt" I say as look towards Harley

"I know you don't but i'm a big girl" giggles Harley

"Yeah but you love killing anything that moves" I state

"That's true" say's Harley

"Exactly so please just listen to me" I say

"Okay" giggles Harley as she runs off

I'm babysitting a pile of children, I swear.
Another chapter


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