X Chapter 7 X

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Boomerang's POV

Life is shit, life is good , but I am not sure on what one to choose.

I shouldn't be here but I have met some amazing people like Katana. I mean she is amazing but she will never take me seriously and that's what hurts.....

Jamie's POV

Me flipping out, being handcuffed to Boomerang and then being brought upfront to Amanda.

Amazing *note the sarcasm*

"Well, well, well, look who it is" say's Amanda

"Um can I help you" I say

"Yea you can" say's Amanda

"What if I don't want to" I say as I smirk

"Then i'll kill you with one push of this button" say's Amanda while pointing at a button with my picture on it.

"Go ahead, you don't have the balls to do it" I say as I continue to smirk

"Okay fine, I can't kill you but I need you on this mission" say's Amanda

"Okay fine" I say as I sit infront of her

"Okay good" say's Amanda as she sets everything up.

Harley's POV

I'm confused because I have no idea what the fuck is going on and Croc is a pain in the ass.

"The fuck you growling at" I say as I glare at Croc

"Her behind you" say's Croc as he nodds his head in that direction

Oh it's Amanda and to think he had a problem with me. I must be going insane.

Jamie's POV

Enchantress. What the fuck type of name is that, like seriously, the doctor presents you with your new born and he asks what the name is and you say Enchantress, damn I feel sorry for the girl. Although Amanda did say she was a witch.

Well lets see what shit this witch can handle and lets she how scary she look.

My chapters are short sorry

500 and something view wow thanks

Bye my Little Ninja Turtles

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