X Chapter 25 X

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Jamie's POV

Were so fucking screwed, I swear we were nearly free but naw Amanda has to come out of no were...

"Will you just fuck off, for once in your fucked up life do something good" say's Floyd angrily

"Will you calm down" I say as I  grab his hand

"Awk look at the little couple, you broke my daughters heart, so am going to kill your little girlfriend" say's Amanda as she points the gun at my head

"Wait, who's your daughter" say's Joker

"Katana, is my daughter" say's Amanda

"Oh damn Boomer, you actually liked her" say's Joker

"Dude would you just shut up" say's Boomer as he looks at the ground

"Do not disrespect my daughter like that" say's Amanda as she shoots Joker in the arm

"The fuck" I say

"Now it's yout turn" say's Amanda as she looks at me

"You can have Floyd" I say

"Really" say's Floyd as he looks at me

"Yeah really" I say as I wink in Chatos direction letting him know that I need him to burn Amanda

"Hmm fine then" say's Amanda as she makes a grab for Floyd

"Now Chato now" I say as I get  the others including Floyd and make a run for it

"You bastards" say's Amanda as she runs in the opposite direction screaming

"What,how " say's Floyd

"You see me and Chato have always wanted to do that to her and when she went to grab for you, I knew that I had to get Chato to do it"I say as I blush and look at the ground

"I love you" whispers Floyd in my ear

"I love you too" I say as lean forward and kiss him...
Damn that took forever and wattpad is being mean to me..

Bye my little ninja turtles....XD

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