X Chapter 11 X

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Jamie's POV

I was not expecting this...

"Well, well, well, look who it is" I say as I smirk at him

"Puddin" shout's Harley as she runs and jumps into his arms

"Looks like you got your puddin back Harls" I say as go over to the wall and sit down

"Yup I have and I missed him" say's Harley as she snuggles into him

"And I missed her too" say's Joker as he hugs her

"Who gives a fuck just get on with your mission" say's Rick

"Rick shut the fuck up for once" say's Floyd as he walks over and sits beside me

"Just lets us have a break and reunite" I say

"Ugh fine" say's Rick as he walks away

" What brought you here J" I say as lean my head on Floyd's shoulder

"I came back for my Queen and to see you of course" say's Joker

"Oh I feel so loved" I say so dramactily

"Your funny" say's Harley as she giggles

"Oh don't I know it" I say

"Lets get going" say's Rick

"You coming J" I say as I start walking

"Of course I am darling" say's Joker as he laughs

After that, we all followed Rick and keep a low profile but Joker and Harley wouldn't stop laughing so we got caught a few times. There was a lot of times were Rick would glare a Joker but he would just give him the finger or tell him to fuck off. If i'm honest it was quite amusing to watch. Eventually we arrived and what as mess it was...

"The fuck is this" say's Chato

"This is were Enchantress is holding people and turning them so they can be in here army" say's Rick

"Oh right so what do we get to fight these" I say as I stay close to Floyd

"Yeah we do" say's Rick

I never thought I would fight again but this seems a 100 times worse and not in a good way, I just hope no one gets hurt.....
Hey in this story Chato doesn't die and let me know if you want me to keep writing this...

Bye my Little Ninja Turtles......XD

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