Chapter 4

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*Jay's POV
The seven of us all boarded the bus and started heading out to the next venue, which would take like three days to get there. I have no idea how I'm going to handle being confined in a bus with my idols-scratch that- with my new family and not fangirl like crazy. Then again, they still don't know who I really am and a full moon is coming up, so that's bad. I thought to myself.

I was brought back to reality as someone picked me up and slung me over their shoulder. Me, being me, started squirming around until they finally put me down, in a bunk. "Was picking me up really necessary? You guys know I hate that, especially since you saw me squirming when Adam picked me up!" I said as I looked up and saw Chester smiling. He sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and kept smiling like an idiot, still trying to process everything that's happened in the past hour.

"So listen kiddo, I want to talk to you about something that got me and Mike confused." He asked after pulling away. "Oh! You mean the fact that Adam called me sis? Is that what you're talking about?" I asked curiously. He simply nodded and looked like he was upset about it. I smiled as I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and fixed his slightly, crooked glasses.

"Ok, for starters, you seriously need to get new contacts because your glasses are always crooked. And second, Adam isn't actually my brother. He's been there for me ever since I first started Youtube. When I told him that I was a foster child, he understood me completely because he used to be one, too. Since then, he would always call me sis and that's how he became my online brother. When we met in person, I was happy because I got to finally meet the one person that helped me through that hell hole of a place called 'home.' So, long story short, both you and Mike don't have to worry about it, got that?" I answered.

He simply smiled and messed with my hair, causing my bangs to move out of place and expose the scar on my eye. Chester gasped and got worried. "Jay, what happened to you?! Why is there a scar on your eye?! Who did that to you?!" He kept asking. I sighed as I tried not to remember what that bitch did to me. "You want the full story or do you want me to cut to the point?" I quietly asked while looking down.

"We want the truth sweetie." Mike replied. "Honestly, it would be best if everyone heard this... Can we go to the living room?" I asked as he nodded and lead me out where everyone else was at. Once Chester and I entered the living room, I heard more gasps and 'are you ok? What happened?' I sat down on a bean bag chair that facing towards them as Chester sat on Mike's lap.

"So, you're all probably wondering how I got this scar. Well, it happened yesterday, or this morning, if you want to be technical. So, like, remember how Dave asked why I had so many missed calls from my 'mom?'" I asked. "Yeah, I remember. So what was up with her? Like why did she leave you so many voicemails? Didn't she know you were at the concert?" Brad spoke up.

"I was getting there, Braddles. Anyways, so I ran as fast as I could, as if my life depended on it, and once I reached the orphanage doors, that bitch was sitting outside on the steps, waiting for me. So, I causally walked up to her and she looked mad as fuck, asking me where the hell I was and why I didn't arrive back on time. So I told her the truth and yadda, yadda, yadda, SMACK! She slapped me across the face, causing her nail to deeply scratch my eye and leave this scar. So, yeah that's pretty much it." I stated.

*Chester's POV
Just hearing what Jay told us reminded me of what would happen to me in the past. Just remembering them brings me chills to my body, making me freak out. But thats all in the past. I have my Noda~Bear and now I have my mini Bennington. And don't even get me started with the guys and their shenanigans. I thought to myself.

"Fuck Jay. Why didn't you just call either of us after it happened?" Brad asked. She just shrugged and kind of looked down at her feet, as if she didn't think of that, but soon looked back up with a smile and tears forming in her eyes. "But hey... For once... For once, after suffering for the past 10 years in that hellhole, I finally smiled for the first time ever. When you, Mike and Chester, came in today and found out that you were adopting me... Not only was I left speechless, but I was finally happy. Knowing that I now have a family, to call someone my dad, and daddy in this case, and not be bullied all the time... Just feels great! I'm glad I went to the concert and met you guys because if I didn't... I'd still be in there at this moment... But I'm not... So, thank you guys soo, soo much!" She said while her tears rolled down her cheeks.

I slowly got up and walked over to her, picking her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and holding on to me for dear life. She started sobbing as I walked over to the bunk area and laid down in my bed, rubbing her back in comfort. "There, shh. It's ok Jay. Just let it all out. I'm right here for you." I told her as I continued to calm her down. Her crying was reduced to sniffles and eventually, she fell asleep.

I got up to take her to her bunks before Brad stopped me and took her from me. "Lemme take her, you and Mike should talk about what your gonna do now that she's with us. I'll be back in a bit." He asked as I nodded, returning to the couch.

I let out a long sigh, as did Joe, Rob, Dave and Mike. "Honestly, it scares me that she went through so much shit in her life." Mike said. Joe nodded and Dave cut in. "It kind of reminds me how, you know, you were in the beginning when you joined the band Ches." He said.

I stiffened a little bit, but Mike placed his hand on my thigh, helping me relax. My past is something that I don't like to talk about a lot. I eventually told the guys about it and since then, I've been a better person and I'm more healthier than I was back then.

"I just hope that she doesn't get a bunch of nightmares now that she's gonna start a better life. What scares me is... How are the fans gonna react when we introduce her to them?" Brad asked as he came back from the bunks and sat down on the floor. "It's not like we can just take a picture of her and caption it "Say hello to the newest member of the band family!" And shit. I say we give her a proper introduction." He continued.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Joe said anything. God I love these mini-band meetings. "I say yeah! (With fists flying up in the air... hehe :3) and go for it." He stuck out his hand and one by one, we piled them up atop each other.

"Alright guys, let's get to it. For Jay." I said. "On 3! 1....2....3.... FOR JAY!!!" We all said. I just hope she doesn't have nightmares...

And that ends this chapter!!! Thank you wolves so much for all the support you have been giving this story! You wolves are awesome and you wolves should feel awesome! Like, comment, vote and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Word count: 1382

Edited: April 9, 2018

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