Chapter 7

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*Chester's POV
"WHAT THE FUCK MIKEY!!!" I practically yelled at him as Mike and I were in the bunk area while everyone else were in the living room area. I've been yelling at him ever since the concert ended, all because 1) he made Jay scratch him severely, ending with a deep, permanent scratch mark on his arm and 2) he let her go who knows where until late afternoon. Yeah, I may be selfish and shit, but the fact that Jay's out there on her own, who knows what could fuckin happen to her.

"Chaz... Babe, just relax and let me explain. You yelling won't solve anything." Mike said as he kept trying to calm me down. I laid back on his bed, since I was sitting on it, and let out a groan of frustration before answering him. "Fine. Explain to me why you did that." I sternly said.

It was quiet for a moment as I looked into his eyes. He let out a sigh as he sat down next to me. "Remember how Jay told us that she was born on a full moon?" He asked. I nodded and sat up, trying not to look interested in his explanation. "Well, since she's a wolf hybrid, every time there's a full moon, she shifts into her wolf form so she can run free and have her meet up with her pack, if she has one. But the fact that she's an Alpha and also, the fact that we can't communicate with her, it's a law that states that if humans know about a wolf, he or she must scratch any ONE human to gain the ability to telepathically communicate with the wolf. The process is quick and painful, but it will quickly go away and the scratch mark will be permanent, kind of like a wolf mark." Mike stated.

"So let me get this straight, she had to scratch you to be able to talk to her... And only one human is able to?" I asked. "Yeah, she had the option to choose, but since I was the only one aware of her situation and also because you were all shocked and afraid to get anywhere near her, I took it upon myself to get scratched by her. Besides, it does have its perks to it." He finished.

Ok, now that got my attention. I thought as I got up close to him, giving him puppy dog eyes. He laughed and kissed my forehead as he brought me in for a hug. "And that perk... Is being able to talk to her at any given time, no matter how far apart we are." He finished.

*Mike's POV
The next thing I knew... I was pinned to the bed by Chester. Oh god, why does this turn me on? I thought as he straddled my waist. "Really?! You can do that?! Oh my god, Mikey! How is she?! Where is she?! What is she doing?! Is she doing fine?! She didn't get hurt?! Please fuckin tell me!!" He asked.

"Well, for starters, can you not have me pinned down... Unless you wanna have some fun." I husked into his ear as he blushed a deep crimson red, but still not getting off of me. "Y-you know this turns me on so easily. Why are you such a tease?" He asked.

I laughed as I brought him closer to me, inches away from his face and gently kissed him. "All I'm saying is that either you wanna have some fun or you wanna know how our little wolf child is doing. Make your mark." I asked him as I slipped my hands under his shirt, gently scratching him as he let out a soft moan. (Don't worry, smut won't happen... yet >:])

"As much as I want to be fucked senseless by you, the important thing here is how Jay's holding up." He stated. I smiled as I hugged him, sitting back up as I started concentrating to contact Jay.

Jay? You there? Chester's been worried sick and almost cut my dick off. I said as I waited for a response from her.

*Jay's POV
Fucking hell! I thought. I've been running all night and its almost morning and mornings aren't really my style. Anyways, I've been tracking down the scent I managed to catch of this other wolf and I'm getting really close to it. As of now, I'm in the middle of a forest, running and dodging a few logs that have been randomly falling down.

After what felt like hours, it suddenly went quiet, and it was way to quiet, which I don't like one bit. I soon started hearing leaves cracking from behind and as I turned around, I was suddenly attacked by another wolf. Found my toy to play with. I thought as I started fighting the wolf back.

We were going at it with all our might; biting, scratching and trying to pin each other down to show who the dominant one is. Not one of us was showing any signs of defeat. I was focusing on this wolfs attack pattern, until I got interrupted by another voice in my head. Fuck, why now of all times. I thought as I hesitated to answer.

Jay? You there? Chester's been worried sick and almost cut my dick off. Fucking hell dad! Now's really not a good time to talk... oh hell no, get back here you coward.... Yeah, dad I'll talk to you when I'm done here. This son of a bitch is running from me and I don't plan on losing my meal. Tell daddy to not worry and I'll be back soon ok? I'll explain this later. Please be ok and don't get hurt alright? I'll try to calm him down and hopefully don't get my dick cut off. Be careful. I will dad and geez! Is he that worked up?! Shit I feel sorry for you dad... Good luck! I said as I heard him laugh and the communication cut off.

"Get back here you stupid coward and fight like a wolf!" I growled as I ran at the stray full speed. I ended up knocking him down and pinning him down as I started biting him, since I found out it was a male wolf, and leaving him cuts all over him.

He kept whining and howling in pain, showing and thrusting his neck out in defeat. Eventually, it became morning and the sun rose to the sky, and as soon as that happened, the both of us started to feel our human side take over as we both began to shift back.

It took a few minutes because some of our cuts and bruises were in the process of healing, but not completely healing. Thank the mood goddess for wolf genes. As I opened my eyes to see everything clearly again, I looked down and I did not expect this to happen.

I quickly got off of him, as tears started forming. "J-Joshua? I-Is that really y-you?!" I said, almost choking on my tears.

*Joshua's POV (Yay, new character!)
Oww... Fuck, I'm sore as hell. I thought as I was shifting back into my human form. I hate this. Why am I like this? Why do I keep on refusing on the idea that I'm a wolf, a wolf born into the Alpha line to be exact.

I groaned and whined, as I started gaining feeling in my body and pain rush over me. I suddenly felt something move as I felt another presence nearby. Hmm, that's odd. After finally having the strength to sit up, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"J-Joshua? I-Is that really y-you?!" She stuttered. No.. fucking.. way. I thought as I realized who was sitting right in front of me. "J-Jay?! Oh my god, it is you!" I stated as she threw herself at me, embracing her in a hug as she started crying and whining. I never thought I would ever see her again...

Alright hey wolves, Alpha_Jay here and here is Chapter 7!! I'm so sorry it took awhile to figure out how I was going to incorporate the winner and I'm also sorry for leaving you wolves on sort of a cliffhanger.

Anyways, as you wolves knew, I held a contest and I have decided on a winner. The winner for this contest is spikeXDCX !!!

Please, I would love for all of you to go show him support by reading a story that he's worked on and tell him that the Alpha (me) sent you.

Don't worry, there will be another contest later on because I know for sure I'm gonna be needing another OC/OC's from you wolves.

So, I have some news. For my other story, A Forbidden Love... I will be updating again because I finally got over what had happened earlier in the year. So look forward to that wolves!!

As always, thank you all so much for all the support you have given this story and my other story (even tho I havent updated in a long ass time). You wolves are awesome and you wolves should feel awesome. But until then, I will see you all in the next chapter!

Word count: 1555

Edited: April 12, 2018

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