Chapter 9: Part 2

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*Jay's POV
As soon as we finished the song, Chester came out onstage and picked me up, putting me on his shoulders and cheering me on. Then, out of nowhere, Patrick started saying something about one final surprise.

"Alright, now lets bring out the one and only person that Jay has ever cared about before her life changed. Let's give it up for Adam!" Patrick said as everyone cheered. No fucking way!! Adam, then, came out onstage and I couldn't help but jump off of Chester's shoulder and run towards my online brother.

I was crying and whining at this point because never in my life have I gotten this kind of surprise birthday bash. "Hey sis! You missed me?" He said as he held me in a tight embrace that i never want him to let go of.

~Time skip~

Fall Out Boy continued on with their concert for another 45 minutes, so the rest of us were all backstage in their dressing rooms. I was currently, and still, hugging Adam while having my tail wrapped around his leg. "Ok, so how is your birthday bash going so far sis?" He asked.

"I couldn't have asked for an even better one." I said. We all laughed as Mike got up and walked over to me, holding something in his hand. "Sweetie, I got you something." He asked as I sat up and looked at him confusingly. "Daddy, you didn't have to get me anything. Having you guys, Adam, Joshua and meeting/performing with Fall Out Boy is already enough." I said.

He laughed as he opened up the small velvet box that held a beautifully, custom-made necklace. If I thought I couldn't shed anymore tears, I was wrong. I just cried even more and threw myself at Mike as he was taken aback by it and hugged me tightly.

I looked back up to him as he took out the necklace and started putting it around my neck. As he finished hooking it from the back, I couldn't help but keep smiling like an idiot. "Thanks daddy!" I said.

Before I went back to sit next to Adam, an employee knocked on the door as Dave let them in and wandered her eyes until they landed on me. "Jay, Fall Out Boy wants you onstage. Please, come with me." She said.

I was shocked, but happy as I nodded and got up. "Bye guys! Be back in a bit." I said as everyone said bye and walked out the door, following the employee towards the stage. I couldn't help but wonder as to why Josh was giving me a skeptical look. Hmm, I'll ask him later.

Once we got there, Patrick saw me and smiled. He walked over to me as they had just finished up The Take Over, The Breaks Over. "Yo, Jay. You have some awesome guitar skills and the guys and I were wondering if you wanted to perform a few more songs with us?" He casually asked. I smiled and nodded as an employee handed me a guitar and walked back out onstage (to announce me I think) having the crowd cheer.

"Hey Young bloods! (Doesn't it feel? Like our time is running out. Lmao I had to) Let's give a warm welcome back for Jay Shinoda Bennington as our guest for the rest of this concert!" He announced as I walked back onstage and smiling to their fans. "Yo what's up Young Bloods!" I said into the mic as I heard them cheer and scream.

I looked over at Patrick and saw that he mouthed a few words (the next song basically) and I nodded as I walked over next to Pete and smiled. Patrick gave me the cue to start off the song, so I began to play the chords as everyone else followed. Then Patrick started singing.

"Am I more than you bargained for yet. I've been dying to tell you anything, you wanna hear. Cause' that's just who I am this week. Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum. I'm just a notch in your bedpost but your just a line in the song." He sang as he looked at me to sing the next part and the chorus.

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