Chapter 3

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*Jay's POV
Mike finally started the car after I announced that I wanted Chester's last name and headed towards their tour bus, since the next show was in Utah. But before we arrived at the bus, I asked Mike to see if he could take me to a certain place to go and visit a certain group of people. In a matter of thirty minutes, with Joe screaming like a little girl due to Mike's "horrible and fast driving," we soon arrived at our destination.

Dave opened the door and I soon jumped out of the car, running and making my way upstairs to enter the building. I opened the door and started screaming like a maniac. "ADAM!!! HELP!!! RUN AWAY!!! THE SQUIDS ARE ATTACKING!!!" I yelled, grabbing everyone in the buildings attention.

The rest of the guys were already making their way inside the building, as I caught a glimpse of them laughing their asses off. Soon after, Adam came storming out of his office and ran over to me in a panicked and worried state. "JAY!!! What happened?! Did you get hurt?! Did the squids hurt you anywhere?! Hey is that Linkin Park?!" He asked as he picked me up, analyzing me in case of any injuries and walked over to the guys.

"Adam!!! Put me down now!! You know I hate it when you do this!" I said as I squirmed to try and get down. Soon after, I felt him put me down, but was placed in another pair of arms. Looking up, I saw that I was in Mike's arms. "Oh! Hello father." I said with a smile.

He smiled, thinking to myself that I just made his day by calling him dad, and gently kissed my forehead and slowly put me down. Finally. I thought as my feet touched the ground. "So Jay, why are you with your idols? Wait, scratch that, how did you manage to perform with them last night at their concert?! I saw your vlog this morning and I want the details. Shoot em' sis!" Adam asked, almost squealing like a fangirl.

*Mike's POV
"Shoot em' sis!" The guy named Adam asked my daughter. Wait, sis?! Is he Jay's brother?! Why didn't he get her out of there?! I asked all these questions in my mind as I looked over at Chester and saw he had the same expression I had. Worry. We looked back at Jay as she was about to tell her side of the story about the concert last night.

"Well bro, I was just having a blast during the concert when the guys started performing 'Until It's Gone' and as they finished the song, Mike over here announced that they would choose a lucky fan to get up onstage with them and perform the next song with them. So, you know me and how much of a huge fan I am, fangirled like a hyperactive five year old. His eyes landed on mine and told me to come up on stage and so I did. Then we performed 'Given Up' and from there on out, I performed with them until the end of the concert. And then you know what happened when I got back..." Jay said as she ended telling Adam the story.

He sighed and pulled her into a hug. He pulled away a few seconds later and moved her hair out of her right eye and frowned a little bit until he covered it back up. "Ok, so that explains that. But what I still don't get is how you're with them right now and how you got here too. Care to mention that?" He asked her.

Jay looked over to us and smiled. "Dad, Daddy. Care to explain to Adam this time?" She asked. She called me dad and Chester daddy. Dammit this girl knows how to make my day. I looked at Adam and saw that he was shocked with what Jay just called Chester and I.

"Well, as you clearly heard from Jay, Chester and I are her new adoptive parents. We actually just adopted her like 45 minutes ago. But to be more clear on details, this morning, Chester and I just couldn't get Jay out of our minds after the concert, so we thought, why don't we just adopt her? So that's what we did and yadda yadda yadda, BAM! She's now our daughter." I told Adam.

*Adam's POV
I was left speechless. Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, adopted my online little sister. I looked at Jay and just, couldn't help myself. I started crying. I pulled her into another hug as she wrapped her arms around me. "Adam? Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Because you finally got out of that hell hole and got adopted. I'm just really, really happy for you." I answered as we pulled away from the hug. She smiled and took out her phone and began doing a vlog.

"Awooooo and welcome back to another wolf vlog, my fellow pack members. Its the Alpha speaking. Today, I'm here with the one and only SkyDoesMinecraft, or also known as Adam." She said as she came up to me and gave me a hug. I waved Hi and smiled, trying not to show them my tear-stained eyes. "Anyways, I have good news for you wolves. But first, I warn you wolves, don't freak out! Cause' I know there are some of you that love these people and will fangirl like crazy. So here goes. First, I finally got adopted!! And second, meet my new dads!!" She yelled as she walked over to Mike and Chester and gave them both a hug. "Yupp, that's right! I was adopted by none other than Linkin Park!! Anyways wolves, I will be touring with them, since I'm their daughter now, and will be doing other performances as well. So I will be vlogging the whole thing and probably do a few Live Streams, so look forward to that. But anyways wolves, as always, thank you all so much for all the support you have given my channel. You wolves are awesome and you wolves should feel awesome. Don't forget to scratch that like and subscribe button with your paw. I would love a new addition to the Pack and remember... The strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack. Until next time! This is the Alpha, howling out." She howled as she finished recording.

She looked over at everyone and smiled, as if she's never smiled before. I looked over at the band and saw Mike looking at his watch. "Ok, Jay. We have to go already. The bus is out in the parking lot and its going to be a long trip to the next venue and we also have to make a few stops to buy you clothes and such that you need." Mike said. No, I don't want her to leave. I'm going to miss her. I thought. I went over to Jay as I gave her a hug goodbye.

I started tearing up a bit as I let go of our hug and took my phone out as she did the same. We both took a selfie together and said our goodbyes. "Don't be a stranger ok sis? Call me in every state you perform and take a lot of pictures. And remember, be safe ok?" I asked her.

"Don't worry bro, I'll FaceTime you after EVERY performance! See you soon, Budder Lord!" She said with a smile and a final hug. The seven of them all walked out of the building and I fell to my knees soon after the door closed. "I'm going to miss you sis." I whispered.

Barney and Red walked over and kneeled down next to me. "Don't worry Adam. She'll be fine. You can't keep her here forever. And besides, she's going to be famous, just like you!" Red said. I wiped my tears and got up, thanking Barney and Red as I walked over to my office and closed the door, not wanting to do anything else.

Hey wolves, Alpha_Jay here and I'm sorry for the late update for this story. I've been busy with family issues and homework that I don't really have time to work on this story.

As for my other story, I'm almost (sorta) done writing the next chapter and it includes the three new OC's, so look forward to that.

But as always, than you all so much for all the support you have given this story. You wolves are awesome and you wolves should feel awesome. But until then, I will see you all in the next chapter.

Word count: 1467

Edited: February 18, 2018

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