R.I.P Chester Bennington

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Hey wolves...

As you can see by the name of this A/N... Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park... has tragically passed away...

Honestly... I thought it was all a hoax... a big lie that someone decided to post on the internet... but sadly. Its not. He's truly gone.

Because of this... I lost all motivation to continue this story (for the time being).

I'm going to put this story ON HOLD after I get myself back up on my feet from this tragic news we all received today.

For those of you that are barely reading this story, Chester Bennington was someone I looked up to, someone I saw as a role model and someone who's voice which sounded angelic and hypnotizing that anyone who's ever listened to their music will fall in love with his voice...

When I heard about this, I slammed and threw my phone to the ground, got up, ran to my room and locked myself in the restroom and







It sucks, you know? I was never able to go to one of their concerts just to here his voice, singing with so much thought and emotion and feeling... but now I can't...

It hurts... knowing that the one you looked up to... the one we all loved to see perform onstage... pass away before our eyes...

Also... if anyone is feeling depressed or feeling like they want to end their life, call these numbers below:

USA Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433

Suicide Prevention Services Depression Hotline: 630-482-9696

Crisis Help Line (For any kind of crisis): 1-800-233-4357

Suicide and Depression Hotline - Covenant House: 1-800-999-9999

Please... dont end your life! You matter to someone... You have a purpose!

As of now, I will not be active or be online for awhile on here... For you wolves who wish to send me any messages of some sorta, please, DO NOT HESITATE! I will gladly respond to you.

Thank you wolves so much for understanding... but until then, this is the Alpha... howling out.

Word count: 356

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