27. The Chelsea, Las Vegas

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Hanging onto Van was nice. His arms were warm, comforting. It made me feel kind of....contented. There was something about him that just made me feel different and I was not sure if these feelings were going to take us anywhere, but, for the first time after so long, I felt really happy. And relieved. I started to wonder over that, but then decided he was pleasant to be with, and that's a good enough answer for now. Besides, I had been lonely lately and his closeness was making that feeling fade.

After Arctic Monkeys ended their set, Larry and Bondy decided to hit the small amusement park, as the rest of the boys had disappeared without a trace on the festival ground. Larry, Bondy and Van, obviously with zero fear in them, immediately jumped in line for the scariest ride there. I was not feeling it when I saw people were being flipped upside down as it got higher and higher in the air. I didn't like that at all. I stepped away from the line and decided to wait for them at the side. Van noticed that I was not in line and looked at me questioningly. I shook my head and smiled, gesturing for him to go with the boys. Van spoke something to Larry then he too, stepped out of the line, making his way back towards.

"You should really go. I can wait here," I told him, as he smiled calmly at me.

"My phone's dead. I'd like to minimize the risk of losing you," he cheekily glanced at me, placing his arm around my waist again, holding me close as he directed me towards less terrifying entertainment.

We spent the entire evening that way, Van holding me close to him as I rest my head against his frame, making our way to all different kinds of games at the different stalls. Smiling and laughing with him, we attempted a few games. Eventually, Van won me a stuffed animal at a ball toss games.

"I am good with my hands," he grinned. Laughing, I gave him a swift kiss on the cheek in thanks. I felt him stiffened a little at how closely we were connected, but, then relaxed too as he pulled my head closer to his chest and kissed it.

As we were exiting the games section, a little girl in front of us were crying as her ice cream cone hit the pavement. Her mother tried consoling her, but she was having none of it. Van watched the exasperated mom and her red-faced child as we walked by them. He looked back at them behind us and then back to me. I eyed him curiously as he glanced down to the plush alligator he had won me. "Do you mind?" He asked me, nodding his head towards the girl who was still crying.

I smile warmly at his thoughtfulness and handed him the plush toy. "No, go ahead."

He excused himself and walked over to the little girl, with an 'is this okay' glance at her mother, who smiled warmly and nodded. He squatted to the girl's level and handed her the stuffed animal. "Alligators can be scary looking, but not this one. Look at this fella, cute innit?" He smiled. The girl immediately hugged it and stopped crying. "There you go," Van exhaled. Clutching behind her mother's leg shyly, she thanked Van quietly and started to giggle, easing her sniffles. Van stood to face her mother who sincerely thanked him. He nodded and smiled warmly at them, said it was no problem. My heart warmed as I watched him walk back to me.

He reached out for my hand, I smiled as I took it and interlaced our fingers. "You're just a big softy, aren't you?"

He looked around discreetly, "Shh, don't tell anyone." Then grinned and chuckled. Looking down on me he asked, "Do you want another one?"

Thinking that no toy could replace the sweet memory imprinted on my brain, I shook my head and smiled. "No, I'm fine." He squeezed my hand tighter and smiled sweetly at me. "I'll give you another alligator, someday."

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