I need you Chapter 1

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"Why is Shinichi not anywhere when I need him. Its like he is ignoring me but different. Even worse he's gone from sight. I never heard news from him or heard from him. He never answers my calls anymore. I feel lonely. " Ran said as tears where about to burst out.

"Ran-neechan? Why are you crying?" Conan said with a sad smile.

"*Ran whipped her tears fast* Sorry Conan I'm just having a bad day for some reason." Ran said timidly.

"*thoughts* Ran I know when you are lying to me *end of thoughts*
Ran-neechan I know that you are lying to me. Can you just tell me?" Conan said with a timid smile.

"I'm sorry Conan but I need to go. See yeah later." Ran said.

"Wait Ran-neechan. *thoughts* Ran what's the matter this is all confusing to me now. Please just answer me." Conan said sadly.
*Phone rings*

"Hello? Ah Ai what's up?" Conan said.

"I have something I want you to test out. " AI said.

"What is it." Conan said confusingly.

I got a 24 hour antidote the the APTX 4869. Need it or not?" AI said.
"Kudo-kun? Hello? He's coming over."AI said.

Conan POV

"Yes now that if I can take that antidote I can surprise Ran. Then maybe she can tell me what's wrong!"Then someone bumped him.

"Ouch s-s-s-sorry." The girl turned to the left quickly.

"She looks afraid. I wander why? Well I guess I should be heading to Agasa's house." Conan said.


" Should I really give it to him? I already made the call but now I think I have feelings for him. I know that he loves Ran but." AI was cut of by Conan.

"Please give me the antidote." Conan said excitedly.



"I can't believe that I didn't tell Conan. I'm such a dummy. Why do I hide my feelings from Shinichi?" Ran said with a burst of tears.

"Ran!!!" Sakino said. ( Yes this is one of my made up characters)

"Sakino?!?!?" Ran exclaimed.

"Hey how have you been? It's been so long since I saw you!!!" Sakino said excitedly.

"I'm kinda fine." Ran said with a soft smile.

"Huh. What is that suppose to mean?" Sakino said confusingly.

"Nevermind that how was your idol career? ( yes I picked idol career I watch to many aikatsu😉)" Ran said.

" It's fine now spit out your problems young lady." Sakino said demandly.

"Ugh its really hard hiding from you." Ran sigh.

*tells everything*

" That guy really needs to come back!" Sakino said.

" It's fine I can wait longer... I guess." Ran said.

So this is my first story I hope you liked it.

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