The Mystery. Is it love? Chapter 6

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Okay this is not funny at all. Just skip this. OK NOT a FUNNY joke. So this is a CAT-tastrophe. Ha ha ha...
*Awkward silence* just enjoy reading.


"I wonder what he's doing now? (Uhhh solving a case)." Ran said.

"Here's your order miss." The waitress said.

"Oh sorry but can that wait I'm waiting for someone." Ran said.

"Okay that's fine fine." The waiter left.

"I wonder what Shinichi was about to say? Thinking what the old waiter said last time." thinking ".

"Your like the legendary couple. You see, your sitting on the same table as the couple. My coworker told me all about it. He was straight forward and confessed. She said it was so romantic. Kya I can't wait until I hear it! *end*

"Nah he's not going to confess to me. He might just tell me that he likes his assistant... *Ran felt sadness* yeah he might just tell me that... I think that she also like him. I'm over thinking I just need to wait and calm down. I'll ask him soon enough." Ran said.

Shinichi POV

"It's been awhile Inspector Megure." Shinichi said.

"Oh Shinichi it's been forever...... Wait Shinichi!?" Megure said.

"It's been awhile Shinichi." Takagi said.

"Yeah it's been long since we saw you." Sato said.

"Yeah, anyways do you know the target?" Shinichi said.

"Yeah, his name is Kubo Tuntocho. He own the Tuntocho company." Megure said.

"I'm guessing these are the victims?" Shinichi said.

"Yes. His daughter Kaidens Tuntocho, Sikoko Margeru, Tetsu Eddow and Sherry Matilda." Megure said.

"I'll investigate the crime seen as well." Shinichi said.

"Very well we"ll try to investigate as well. " Sato said.

*thinking* "This is really interesting this is almost like the old case I done before. Its similar to the elevator... But its not actually connected to the elevator. Let me see. What is this? This is blood. It's near the body. There's also some near the plant pot. That means this is kind of a case. What is that? The trash down here has a little scratch. I wonder what's in here?" Shinchi thoughts over.


"It's a beautiful view out there." Ran said


"Almost home! Come on Sonoko we can't bother then together! We'll get discovered by then!" Sakino said.

"No no nooo. I want to go back could we just wait here?!" Sonoko said.

"Fine! We'll  wait here to come out way." Sakino said childishly.

*Back to Ran*

Why is this case so long? It was just the time to spend time with Shinichi! Ugh." Ran said.

Shinichi POV

"Theres the evidence the knife and the gloves. Now I need to figure out who done it. Shinichi said.

*Walks around*

Hug why is Mr. Tetsu there?" Shinichi questioned himself.

(oh I totally forgot the deduction)

Tetsu- I was waiting for the business party to start for our 10th year of anniversary. So I was waiting the whole time.

Kaidens- I was waiting for my father to come and celebrate the company's anniversary and when I went out to look for him he was caught dead.

Sikoko- I was waiting for the young mistress to come back. When I went out to find her I already saw her crying.

Sherry-I was waiting for them at the party but when I realized it that they are all outside frightened.


"Now that I saw your actions and heard they're deduction I know who this killer is."Shinichi said. Now to inform Megure. Shinichi said.

*All gather around*

"So who's the killer Kudo?" Megure said.

"Show down inspector let not get a bit greedy. So let's start with deduction. When I was looking around I found blood on parts of the other side. So the blood pot was accidentally put as the killer notice. But he was smart enough that the carpet was there to help him. When I was searching I found a scratch on the trash can. It was strongly easy for the killer to put his stuff away. There where to many obstacles for him to risk so he puts his stuff I the trash. While doing so he accidentally scratch the the trash while putting his stuff away... So the killer is you Ready Eddow. " Shinichi said.

"...... W-what makes you think Im the killer. You have no evidence at all." Tetsu said.

"What are these then?" Shinichi said.

"....It.... it.... It can't be." Tetsu said.

"Look under your shoes." Shinichi said.

"No need to... I killed him because he acted selfish towards me... He took await my opertunity to have my dream succeed. Instead he was a monster. Took away the people that I care. So I killed him! It cost me my life... " Tetsu said.

"Case closed." Shinichi said.


"I wonder where he is?" Ran said.

Hey Ran! Sorry I was gone for so long." Shinichi was cut of by the lights turning of.

"Where sorry, but we are closing early today so please come again next time."

Shoot it's time!? Shinichi said.

"It's okay Shinichi." Rams said.

"Huh?" Shinichi said confusingly.

"As long as you didn't disappear I'm happy that your still here with me I'm fine." Ran said.

"Ran..." Shinichi said.


" Ugh I've finally pushed her to her mansion. She's really heavy." Sakino said.

"Sakino is that you?" A familiar voice went through.

"Rikku? Is that really you?" Sakino said.

"It's been a while." Rikku said.

(k guys I might have added another cute couple get ready)

*awkward silence*

"Hey Shinichi. What where you about to say when we where at the hotel?" Ran questioned.

"Oh that. Actually I wanted to ask you this for a long time. Uahh." Shinichi said.

*Feels pain*

Shinichi are you okay?!" Ran was worried about Shinichi that she forgot the question that she asked.

"I-I-im gahh!" Shinichi felt his heart skip a beat when Ran kissed him.

"R-Ran?" Shinichi said.

"Not now... Please tell me what's happening to you?" Ran burst into tears.

"I'm sorry Ran." Shinichi said.

You we reached over 1000 words!!!
Anyways sorry for the late update. Like I said hard time. So you might see every story come in like two days or so. So I'm so,so,so sorry that that the update came late like at midnight or something I'm very sorry. But thanks for reading!!!

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