The Mysterious Call chapter 2

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Conan POV

"Yes thanks Ai!" Conan said.

"Wait Conan! Are you going to use it?"
Ai said.

"Ah. I'm actually go to use it tomorrow  to surprise Ran. I'm going to at something up for her." Conan said.

"Oh I thought you where going to do it now. Anyway don't loose it I'm not making another one, okay?" Ai said.

"Hai!" Conan exclaimed and went out the door.

3rd person POV

Conan was about to go straight home when he saw the same girl that he bumped in to earlier. She was on her phone calling somebody. I tried to eavesdrop but then my phone rang. I got nervous but she didn't hear because she had something on her ears that I can't wet quite see.

Conan POV

"Hello?" Conan said.

"Hello Edogawa Conan. " Someone said.

"W-w-who are you?! And how do you know my name? Conan said confused.

"Heh. You need to ignore that yourself. Oh and I almost got forgot. You'll have a partner with you get name is Makito Osakuga. I want you two to meet at Beika Park tomorrow. Oh and don't forget. Their will be clues that will lead." the person closes phone.

"Hey wait.Ugh he hung up. Wait where did the girl went?! What the! Never mind." Conan said frustrated.


"Wow looks like you went through a lot." Ran said.

"Well I guess I was tired a lot of the time. Anyways let's start with your story. How about telling me your-."
Sakino was cut of.

Phone call

"Sorry Sakino you wait." Ran said.


"Hello?" Ran said.

"Hi Ran it's been a long time." Shinichi said. (Conan with Bowtie) 

"S-S-Shinichi!? Ran exclaimed.

"Hi Ran-." Shinichi was cut of.

"Where have you been all this time? Your always not around! Why do expected me your calls now!" Ran said.

"Ran I'm really sorry. But a request to you. Meet me at Fanistasia Hotel at the entrance." See you in two days." Shinichi said.

"W-wait Shinichi! Ugh why does he hung up all the time?" Ran said.

"I don't know girl but since your going to Fanistaisa Hotel you need to look your best! Let's go shopping!" Sakino said.

"Wait Sakino!" Ran said.

Conan POV

"Few I guess I need to cancel tomorrows fun day for me and Ran. But seriously what does that guy mean about clues? Hmm." Conan said.

"Conan-kun!!!" Ayumi said running in the distances with Mitsuhiko and Genta-kun.

"Oh hey guys. What brings you guys here? *thoughts* I guess they're here to go to Prof. Agasa's house." End of thoughts.

"Where here to see Ai!How about you?" Ayumi said.

"Well I was about to head home." Conan said.

"Oh well.  See you around  then Conan-kun." Ayumi said.

"See you guys later." Conan heads home.

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