Secrets Chapter 8

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"I don't get it your Conan and only Conan. You and Shinichi are different people... Wright?" Ran was full of questions that need to be answered.

"No Ran... We are the same people... I was keeping you from this secret because... I don't want you to get hurt. Or even worse... Killed." Conan said.

"Who would want to kill me? It's not like anyone is going to kill me. Please Conan tell me everything..." Ran said.

"... Okay... It all started when I was running to the back alley of Tropical land." Conan said.

"So that's why you where running of somewhere." Ran said.

"I was looking at the people that where at the roller coaster with us. Their name is Gin and Vodka. I was concentrating on Vodka that I didn't realize that Gin was behind me and knocked me out. I took APTX 4869. When I woke up I was like this. So when you found me in Agasa's house. I would help your dad to solve cases. Hoping to find them so I stayed along. So that's my story." Conan said.

*Ran hugs Conan*

"I'm so glad you told me something Conan... I was really worried about you. I'm so glad your here with me." Ran said with tears.

"Im so sorry that I left you alone. I won't let that happen ever again. Your the most important person in the world to me... I love you. Conan said.

*Siff* I love you to Shinichi... . Ran said.

*They both kissed*

Sakino POV

"I thought he was done... I thought he left a long time ago...*thoughts over*
I thought you left along time ago. Why are you back here?" Sakino said.

"I'm here to just look around what changed... And I also want to see memories. Of our first date..." Rikku said.


"Rikku-kun look , look. The dolphins are majestic and beautiful! Oh and even hear the sound of the sea it's beautiful." Sakino said.

"Yeah your right. " Rikki said.

"Hey Rikku can you promise me this." Sakino said with a soft smile.

"Yeah , what is it?" Rikki said.

"Can you stay with me forever?" Salon questioned.

"...... Of course. I will always be with you." Rikku said.

"But you lied to me*

"What?! He's gone?! But why where!?" Sakino said.

I'm sorry but he's gone... He went to
New York." The woman said.

*End of Flashback*

"I'm sorry but I gotta go." Sakino said.

*Gos pass*

"Im sorry for leaving you for 5 years." Rikku said.


"I can't believe it Conan is actually Shinichi.  I wasn't thinking of that." End of thoughts.

"Hey is that Sakino-neechan?" Conan said.

"Yeah your right... Hey she's acting really weird." Ran said.

"She must be really tired." I shouldn't bother her." Ran said.

"Your right." Conan said.

Daily now I'm kinda better. Plus my sister getting a broken leg... Yeah. Anyways thanks.

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