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I was sitting on my school chair waiting for Shinichi to come out of the blue.

Instead I get a properly nice welcome from Sonoko. And always just all the time Sonoko would just look super tired. Instead to day is different. She was wearing a big warming smile.

"Hey Sonoko why are you so happy today?" I said confusingly.

"Sigh.... He's back.... " Sonoko said so tiredly and happily.

"Um what's the special occasion???" I said still confused of her idea of the back thing.

"Oh Ran-Chan... MAKATO IS BACK!!!!" she said as she shouted happily.

"●︿●●︿●●︿●..... Okay?" I turned back to my normal spot." I said to myself, wait what am o talking about?!

I looked out of the window to see my reflection focusing. I then just looked out of the window without seeing myself.

I wondered to myself.. It's Easter and he's still not back... I already remember when we where little we usually go out and meet our friends. We would also be accompanied by my dad. Ugh he would bother us so much.

It suddenly started to rain. Everyone started to look outside. Some frowned some happily ever after did a happy dance.

I was exhausted from thinking of Shinichi. I really didn't get some sleep last night. But Conan...he acted weird last night. What I did notice was when he went to Agasas for the night... he actually left something interesting. He left his phone behind.

That was weird cause I was cleaning his room. When I saw Conan with his other friends he had his phone. I opened the his phone and I looked and saw a picture of me.

I was so confused at it that I also tried Shinichis password.(Also I don't really know if he has a password in his phone so don't blame me.)

I was so confused. I had all his things and all the picture we both had. How does Conan have his phone.


Oh wait what that was quick!?
I started to notice that Sonoko was asleep. I wouldn't bother her. Last time I woke her up she almost bit my finger.

"Ran!" I heard a voice.

"Ah Sakino! Hey you want to walk home together?"

~~Rime Skip~~

Conan POV

I was walking with my friends when I came across Ran and Sakino. I was about to tell there names but then Ai pushed me to Agasas place.

"Woah Ai what are you doing?" Conan said confusingly.

"Well I have to give you something then you can go home!" Ai said.

"Ahh wait Conan, Ai! Wait up!" Ayumi said with the other boys running behind her.

"Ah don't worry  Conan and I are going to Agasas house to-" Ai was cut of by Ayumi.

"No, we'll come to!" Ayumi said.


"Oh I thought I saw Conan..." You said.

"Oh yeah I saw Ai pushing Conan somewhere." Sakino said.

"I want to follow them." I said.

".... Then let's follow them!!!" Sakino said shouting.

~~Time Skip~~

Wow following Conan and Ai didn't get me and Sakino anywhere... I wish that I can just go back in time.

Wait! What if I... Why didn't I think of this earlier. Conan is still in Agasas and I can easily call them. Lets-

*door busts open

"Ran- neechan have you seen my phone!?" Conan said.

"Or not, I may have seen and looked through it." I said.

"WHAT?!" Conan said sternly.

"Hey!" I said.

"...." Conan was silent.

"I didn't had a choice...." Ran said starring to tear up.

"Ran." Conan said.

"I know who you really are.." Ran said.

"...." Conan came to hug her.

Conan kisses Rans cheeks.

The End

I know it's not like the best ending. Butbtl that is where we are going to end of after the next book. Hope you enjoy thiz. 😊😊😊😊

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