Joeys pov

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I woke up with a pounding headache and  my mouth on fire I don't know were I am but I do know one thing I'm probably dead all I see is blackness but what I didn't expect to see was a front door with bright light and trees out side wow heaven is pretty I looked around my surroundings and my eyes land on a figure that's sitting next to me I don't know who it is because I can't see his or her face but hopefully I can see them I feel like I know this person but as I start to remember the events that happened yesterday I immediately jump from were I'm sitting and the figure next to me jumps up to but it's a person that I love so dearly that I'm so glad he came for me
D- Joey omg your ok I was so scarred I thought I lost you I love you so much we saved you you won't turn not on my watch
J- d- Daniel I don't think you sa-
I couldn't even finish my sentence my mouth and body started to hurt like hell I remembered what jack had said if Daniel tried to save me he wouldn't see the third bite omg I'm going to turn and he won't be able to save me
D- Joey omg what happened are you ok please be ok what happened are you hurt
J- d-Daniel how m-many bites did y-you see
D- I saw the only two you had Joey don't worry it's ok your safe
When he said he saw two my heart immediately dropped I started pacing the room and getting very nervous
J- d-Daniel there were not t-two bites
D- Joey w-what do you mean I saw two bites only I mean I didn't check anywhere else because I needed to get you out of there but you only had two
J- Daniel he he bit me three times after he touched me he bite my stomach and put a shirt on so nobody would see it d-Daniel I'm scared I-I d-don't know what's going to happen p-please
D- OMG I'm so sorry Joey come on I know somebody who will help us figure this out  but you shouldn't be up so let me carry you
He walked towards me and put one arm under my knees and another behind my back and told me to jump he carried me to a kitchen that was opened up and o
you could see the back woods from behind the house I saw a tall man sitting at the table with a women they could be his parents but they look nothing alike....oh wait Daniels adopted I forgot
the man looked at me surprised and so did the women
D- good he's alright we'll have to tell the guardians seeing as they wanted to know that he's safe
D- ahhhhh about that j-Joey wasn't bitten twice
DM- what do you mean Daniel he he's going to be ok though right
D- how many times was he bitten he has to be ok the guardians will not be pleased if he's not ok
D-he was bitten three times wait but were did he bite you Joey
J- he bite me here here and here
I pointed to each of my bites my wrist,neck,and stomach Daniel looked very nervous because of were I pointed
D-j-Joey I think we need t-
J- agggggggghhhhhhh it hurts help please d-Daniel
It hurts so much my whole body felt as though I was on fire I felt like throwing up my mouth felt as though something was stabbing thru my gums it hurts like hell
D- ok it's been a while since he's been bitten so he's changing hold him down because once he's changed he will have the thirst for blood so we need to make sure we have everything ready Daniel hold him down,honey go get the blood and I'll call the gaurdians and tell them what's going on
D- ok Joey I need you to try and calm down I won't hurt you
J- Daniel please it hurts so much just do what ever you have to do to help me just make the pain go away
DM- ok I have the blood here Daniel
My vision started to get blurry and I started to shake ughhhh I hate this it hurts why why did this have to happen to me Daniel looked very nervous but his parents didn't I guess they've done this before I start to feel my mouth hurt even more then I heard a
And I instantly wanted blood I knew Daniel figured it had happened so he brought the blood bag to my mouth and told me to drink I did as I was told and drank instantly I felt better and Daniel finally let go of me so that I could get up his parents had left already and they weren't in the house I was assuming they were in the woods eating or something but I didn't know so I just went with Daniel to his room and we just sat there talking until I said something
J- Daniel I love you
D- Joey I love you to I'm glad your ok
He walked over to me and sat down holding me in a hug I felt my heart start to beat faster and I knew why every time I'm with Daniel he makes me feel safe and wanted unlike my family OMG I forgot about my family jezz I'm so going to get beaten because I was gone so long
J-d-daniel I I need to go h-
I couldn't even finish my sentence because Daniel gently pressed his lips to mine making me melt in his arms I thru my hand around his neck and pulled him closer I was sitting across his room so he stood up and took my with him my legs wrapping around his body as he pressed my back against the door he had swiped his tongue under my lip asking for an entrance and I allowed him we stayed in that position until I heard a pop and my gums hurt I immediately felt like throwing up I had pushed Daniel away and ran towards the bathroom letting my self throw up I had closed and locked the door so he wouldn't see me like this my vision started to get blurry and I was starting to see spots when I heard Daniel on the other side of the door
D- Joey omg are you ok was it because I kissed you I'm really sorry
J- no d-Daniel it wasn't the kiss it-it's something wrong with me I-I need your help pl-please
D- Joey open the door I can help you then please
I tried to make my way towards the door but I couldn't I took two steps and started to feel myself falling as I was falling it felt like slow motion Daniel had stopped banging and just busted the door down before I could fall on the floor he made an effort to catch me but I had fallen backwards and banged my head on the corner of the sink I expected to meet the cold hard floor but I instead meet to strong warm arms wrap around my body and was held so close to Daniel that it made me feel safer
J- t-thank you I-I'm sorry
D- shhhhh Joey it's ok we're going to see my dad again and see what's wrong with you and your vampire side
He walked down the stairs and towards what I'm assuming was his dad's office it was pretty big I was to distracted to notice Daniel and his dad had gone to the corner to talk about something and I tried to hear but they were to far but then Daniel looked at me and walked towards me while asking a question
D- j-Joey did the vampire that did this to you tell you his or her name it will be really helpful
Uhhhh crap Joey think think I couldn't come up with the name I was thinking but then images from that day started to flood back to me and I remembered the guys name I was frightened and started shaking I couldn't control it but I had to Daniel rubbed my hand and told me it was going to be ok I finally got calmer and told him what I remembered
J- I-I think he said his name was jack
Daniel had immediately gotten stiffer and stared all I could see in his eyes was pure rage it scared me to think of him as the violent type
D- ok thank you Joey
He returned to his dad and started to talk to him his father said something in return and Daniel looked stunned but then nodded and walked towards me with his father behind him
D- Joey I need to bite you
J- w-what why
D- the guy who bite you is a bad vampire we have two types of venom one makes you good one makes you bad he released bad toxins in you and since he's reptilian your bites healed before we got there
J-o-ok just please it hurts
He bent down and grabbed my wrist but before he brought it to his mouth he bent down and placed a sweet short kiss on my lips telling me it is going to be ok I felt his fangs pierce my skin god it hurts like hell I felt something inside me click and I immediately started to talk but I had know idea what was going on I heard mumbling but couldn't figure out what they were saying I started to feel light headed and ended up falling asleep I hope I'll be ok by the time I wake up if not I don't know how much longer I could take it.....

VAMPIRE; janiel auWhere stories live. Discover now