Daniels pov

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A/N takes part after Daniel wakes up from the medicine

I woke up remembering everything that happened and instantly saying his name
D- j-Joey
But he did not answer my dad and mom did
DM- omg Daniel honey your ok thank the gaurdians
( they don't say thank God because to them the guardians are the highest athority)
D- son are you ok
D- no where's Joey
They looked at each other then back at me
D- he's gone he hurt you and couldn't live with himself he tied this to your shirt and knocked on the door I'm guessing he thought we couldn't see him but we did and after I read the note outbound I could see tears streaming down his face and when we walked closer he vamp sped away we looked for him but we lost him
He handed me the paper and I read it (A/N I'm to lasy soooo I'm not going to write the note again you guys get the idea)
After I finished reading the note I jumped out of bed and ran to the door my mom asking what I was doing
DM- where are you going Daniel
D- I'm going to get Joey back if it's the last thing I do
I ran out the door and raced to the airport looking for him and realizing it was late at night and when we had gone to his house it was around ten I then read the departure time and the flight for the last LA flight had left three hours ago I missed him he left and I had no idea on how to get him back I didn't want to loose him but at the same time I was nervous I just hope he's ok......
( this is a long time jump it is three years and Joey is know 21 and Daniel is 22)
I'm 22 now and after all that has happened me and my family moved out to LA about a year after Joey left I haven't forgotten about him and I hope he hasn't forgotten about me I still love him and I still with my parents because they want to find Joey just as much as I do I had made some new friends and she was also a vampire her name was hope but I like to call her Mrs Wigsworth we were at the town mall walking around because I needed a shirt and she needed some pants so we went to her favorite store forever 21 (btw hate shopping don't kill me) immediately when I walked in I sensed him Joey he's here I can feel it I looked at hope and she began to speak
H- I sense another vampire here but I don't think he's a full vampire I sense he's mixed
D- I- I think it's Joey I can sense his presence I can smell his sweet sent and I can see his ora
H- omg Daniel we need to find him this is the closest you've come to finding him
D- ok I'll go this way and you could keep looking for your pants and going that way
She nooded and walked towards the pants and I walked towards the shirts seeing a girl and realizing she was a wolf and immediately went on high alert I accidentally bumped into her and she looked at me with freight
D- I'm sorry
X-no it's ok your a vamp aren't you
I remembered how Joey used to call us that then when I looked up I noticed there was a boy next to her he looked very familiar and he looked like Joey but I was to caught up to see his ora or smell his scent
D- ahhhh ya I a-
X- hey Meghan can we talk you know over here
He sounded exactly like Joey god I really hope this is Joey she turned and they looked as though they were having a conversation she turned back and said
M- excuse us
They walked away and I walked towards hope seeing her look at me with hopeful eyes and asking
H- did you find him
D- I think I did here walk over there and look at the shirts and look at the boy and girl the girl is a wolf so watch out ok
I watched as she walked over there looking at the clothes then taking a quick glance at the boy and girl then picking out a shirt but putting it back and walking away she walked towards me with a smile on her face and said
H- that's definitely Joey you have to talk to him
D- I can't just go over and say oh hey aren't you my boyfriend that left after stabbing me with an ice spear ya that would be a good idea
H- wow well we'll wait until they come out and you could use your vamp speed while I talk with the girl and take him to the top of a building and talk to him
D-good idea let's go out side
H- ok
We walked out side and sat down waiting for them to come out they eventually did but they stopped and looked at each other that's the qu. me and hope got up I vamp sped to him and picked him up after hearing the girl yell
M- hey what the hell Joey hold on
She looked as if she blacked out but I just ran and I could feel him shaking I was scared and didn't know what was wrong so I stopped and put him down on the building top he immediately stepped away and did the hand movements he did so long ago and his eye color changed into fiery red and orange and he shot fire from his hand making a fire circle around him as to protect himself his eyes were closed but when he opened them I heard his voice and he remembered me
J- d-daniel

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