Daniels pov

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A/n takes place on the walk

I was so worried that Joey wasn't ok that I took off for a walk towards the woods it calms me down when I go on walks and it is nice to see nature differently I walked for a good twenty minutes when I heard a gun shot then growling I sprinted towards the sound and saw a white wolf ( my friend Emily told me to make Joey a white wolf with green eyes this is his new wolf)

And a hunter with a gun the hunter was standing over the wolf and the wolf growled then tried to jump on him but the hunter was to fast and stabbed the wolf in the side and stood over it he then started to sayX- be gone you filthy beast I-X- HEY L...

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And a hunter with a gun the hunter was standing over the wolf and the wolf growled then tried to jump on him but the hunter was to fast and stabbed the wolf in the side and stood over it he then started to say
X- be gone you filthy beast I-
I couldn't let him hurt the wolf so I ran to him and bite him I heard the wolf breath and then I started talking to him or her
X- hey buddy if you can hear me shift back to your human self and I can get you some help I'll put my jacket over you ok
I kept talking to it until it let out a powerful howl and I heard there heart quicken then stop
I saw a wolf run up to me and push me back it was a black wolf with blue eyes it started to growl but I said
D- wow easy there I was just trying to help if I didn't kill that hunter he or she would be dead you should be thank full that I heard the gun shot and smelled the blood now can you shift cause I don't really know how to communicate I'll give you my sweater
The wolf shifted but didn't give me the light of day and when I saw that it was Tyler I got nervous
D- Tyler what are you doing here
T- I'm here to get Joey and get him back so I can suck the silver out his blood system you can follow if you'd like
He shifted back to his wolf form after he picked up Joey and put him on his back then he started to run and I followed him to a house about a couple miles away and went in then I saw Meghan and she looked nervous I could tell that they were talking through there pack link because they were both out of it then Meghan picked up Joey and Tyler ran off I followed Meghan and we came to a room that was white and had a table that was kinda like a bed she payed him down then Tyler came in the room and told me to leave that it was going to get bloody and I stepped out after about an hour Tyler came out and we started talking
D- how is he is he going to be ok
T- he is going to be fine but his state of consciousness won't before he left he was talking about ending it all and that everybody would be better off without him because of what happened to him
D- what exactly happens I know he said he doesn't want anybody to know but I love and care for him please Tyler
T- well I have to ask him but he's still asleep but I guess I can tell you a little about 2 years ago out old pack leader wanted Joey because he was new and cute so he sent me and Meghan to get him he was pretty hard to get there but we managed we thought that Dustin just wanted to talk but obviously we where mistaken when we found out what he really did we went looking for Joey in the pack house and we found him bloody and basically just really bad so me and Meghan decided that we were going to leave the pack and help Joey and that's what we did he came to and that's when we knew what had fully happened and Meghan cried so did I it was bad and ever since then me and Meghan make sure he's ok because of the trama he's been through
D- I-I didn't know that that much happened has he been getting better or worse
T- well he was improving but he has really bad nightmares and it reminds him so now he can't even get some comfort in fear of seeing it again and living through it so that's why we carry inhalers because he has his days
D- when when do you think he's going to wake up
T- I don't know it could be a while there was a lot of silver in his blood stream while we wait could you tell me what happened before he came here
D- ya so I had moved to Boston for school and I saw Joey beaten and bleeding and I felt this urge to help him so I did and I brought him to a hospital that's when I found out that he was abused we knew each other for about three days and that's when I told him I was a vampire and that I liked him and asked him out all was well until my " brother " jack had came to get revenge and hurt Joey he almost raped him and he bite him three times but we didn't get there in time so his bites were already healed and only saw two of them he turned and we went to the guardians for help because the venom was bad after that we went to his house to get things and I was craving blood and we were to close and I bite him and scared him that's when he learned his first power ice I got to close and he stabbed me he got scared he called him self a monster and said he was leaving he gave me sleeping medicine instead of pain medicine so I feel asleep and when I woke up he was gone already
T- that's why that happened during the attack
D- what attack what happened
T- that's the story of how I turned into a hybrid  we were at our house and vamps attacked Meghan was asleep so we had to protect her I fought first and Joey got ready after I got bitten Joey changed he had Chrystal blue eyes and he formed ice the vamp came at him and he stabbed him after that he changed back and started shaking he couldn't breath and just ran latter we found him in an abandoned tree house that's when we decided to take him to a doctor that specializes in our kind and he was diagnosed with anxiety social anxiety disorder  self harm and nightmares after that we knew his panic attacks were bad to we cared inhalers that's what happened when he saw you first when Meghan looked blank they were communicating and Joey doesn't feel comfortable around men some women scare him to so he needed to get out of there because he was going to have a panic attack
D- that happened because it was a reenactment of when he hurt me I just really hope we can help him thru this and he can get better
T- you and me both Daniel I just hope he wakes up soon so we can talk to him and you can ask what exactly happened to him with Dustin
D- thanks Tyler is it ok if  I stay here
T- ya it's ok I'll be in my room you can go in if you want
D- thanks bye
T- bye
I watched as Tyler left and I got up and went in joeys room he was laying there asleep and healing I just brought a chair closer to his bed and sat close to him just hoping that he will wake up soon

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