Daniels pov

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After hearing all that stuff that happened to Joey I couldn't stop from crying yes I'm a big baby I couldn't stop hugging him and just trying to show him love
D- Joey I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you but I will help you get through this and we will fight it together
J- thank you Daniel I love you so much


I stepped closer to him and connected my lips to his his where so soft and pink he started to kiss back and it started to get pretty heated to where Joey had me pinned against the wall and he was sucking on my neck I let him be the dominate one because he would have been thrown back into his nightmares he the asked me a question
J- Daniel I love you so much do you think could mark you as my mate for my wolf side
After he asked this I was pretty shocked to say the least I was worried I didn't know what was going to happen during the mating so I didn't know weather to say yes or no

D-what would happen during the mating if I said yes
J-basically when I bite you it will only hurt for a little and where I bite it will leave a mark or tattoo of my wolf over the bite mark and a crescent moon that lights when ever we touch
D- so it'll only hurt for a little then l have your wolf tattooed over the bite
J-yes that's correct
D-then what are we waiting for

He had the biggest smile ever we started kissing again when I noticed his eyes flicker two colors before they landed on an emerald green and he started to speak
A/N ok so never gave his wolf a name so it's jake
J- hello mate I've been wanting to speak with you for so long
D- are you joeys wolf
J- yes my name is jake and I promise to protect you even though my human doesn't do well with anything he still loves you as much as I do
D- I love you guys to so how exactly does this work
J- well as my human said we have to have intercourse then I will bite you and you will get a tattoo of me and a crescent moon
D- ok I think I'm ready
After I said that he crashed his lips to mine and we started making our way over to the bed my shirt coming off as his hoodie came off he had payed me softly on the bed while he hovered above me my mini-me getting very happy and him grinding on me to create friction he laced his fingers in my hair while I worked on removing his pants he made his way to my neck and started to kiss it softly then rougher I finally got his pants of as he placed kisses down my torso and towards my happy trail he took of my boxers and immediately took me in his mouth he started to suck harder and fondled with my b***s I moaned out and that made him go harder

D- nggghghg j-jake I-I'm c-close hghnghgnh
J- don't worry I got you baby let it all go

After he said that I released and screamed his name as I rode out my orgasim
After I was done he stopped lower and flipped me on my stomach he grabbed lube and a condom from the bed side drawer and lubed his fingers
J- Baby this is going to hurt but it will go away and feel much better ok

I could only nod in response as he stuck one finger in me I cried in pain as he whispered how good I was doing he then stuck another and another until I had three fingers in me and my writhing in pain and pleasure

D- F-Fuck j-jake right there

I heard a low growl as I said his name and immediately felt his fingers leave I whimpered in response but as soon as his fingers left I could feel him at my entrance he stuck it in me and I felt pain until the rest was in me then I felt pleasure

J- tell me when your ready for me to move ok I promise it won't hurt much longer

He leaned down and kissed me until I had the courage to say move I could feel him move out then slam back into me a sear of pleasure rang through my body

D- annnghhgh again fight there god
J- I guess I found it

He then started going faster and I felt him started to shake as he said
J- I'm almost there just a few more moments and you'll be mine ok
D- ok
I could tell he was close as he leaned down and started liking my neck where I wanted the tattoo I was so close and when he said
J- come for me baby boy

I lost it just as I released he did to and bite into my neck I could feel electricity shoot through my body as he got out of me and payed beside me
J- I love you so much mate let's get you cleaned up and sleep
D- ok but I don't think I can walk
J-don't worry mate I got you

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom where he got a rag of warm water and wiped me down then himself he walked me bake to the room and dressed me then we payed on the bed until I knew it was over when he said
J-I love you so much mate maybe we will see each other again and next time in my true form
D- I would love that I love you
J-I love you to please protect me human as well he haven't been the same and I know you make him happy he will come back shortly and just protect him when I can't please
D-I will I pr-
J-please don't promise we've had so many people break promises we don't believe in them anymore
D-ok I will protect him I love you jake
J- I love you to mate see you next time

After that his eyes flickered back to joeys blue green eyes and he simply blushed and smiled
J- that was wow I love you so much Daniel what jake said was true we do truly love you and you make us both very happy plus my mark looks good on you
D- really

He got up and went to get a mirror when he came back he handed it to me and it was beautiful he touched my shoulder and it immediately light up in a icy blue color
A/N basically these which ever you prefer

He got up and went to get a mirror when he came back he handed it to me and it was beautiful he touched my shoulder and it immediately light up in a icy blue color A/N basically these which ever you prefer

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After I saw it I immediately turned to Joey D- I love it it's so beautiful J- and I love you now I think we should get some sleep after today's events

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After I saw it I immediately turned to Joey
D- I love it it's so beautiful
J- and I love you now I think we should get some sleep after today's events

After that we got comfortable and brought the blanket closer to us and payed there our legs intertwined and me feeling the heat radiate off his body the last thing I heard as I fell into a peaceful slumber was

J- I will love and try my best to protect you always have a good night love

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