The after math

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Joey POV

After everything that happened Jake had finally given me back full control over my body and mind and I felt my body swaying back and fourth as I looked up I saw that I was in Daniels arms and that Tyler and Meghan where behind us and we where on our way to the house where they could look at my wounds I looked back up and saw that Daniel was looking down at me with a smile on his face

D- Joey omg I'm so glad your ok you scared me there just keep your eyes open this time please
J- don't worry I'm sure I'm good now that Jake is resting it'll help heal me
D- thank god we all are fine
J- ya I'm just glad where all ok

He took his eyes off of mine and focused on where he was running we had finally gotten to the house when Daniel had set me down on the couch and got a phone call he came back and said that his parents wanted him to come home so they could talk I said goodbye and gave him a kiss and he left

Meghan and Tyler where looking at me as if they have a crazy idea

J- what what are you to thinking about I know those faces what are we going to do
T- well seeing as though we need new clothes and not to be rude but you do to
M- we thought maybe we could go to the mall and pick some new clothes and maybe give you a new look to wow Daniel

She gave me that smirk that she knows how to get anybody to agree with her and I kinda did but I also wanted to impress Daniel a bit I mean I haven't seen him properly in 3 years so why not

J- sure let's do this ladies
T- OMG he said yes Meghan go get your shit let's go girl
M- I'll be down in 10 seconds

She ran up the stairs and me and Tyler started counting
T J- 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2-
J- you just made it chicketyanya
T- let's go you guys I need a new shirt
J- okay girl calm your titts
T- hey you know there beautiful
J- sorry nope not into them sorry Meghan
M- it's whatever you are gay anyways let's go
J- ughhhh excuse me did you just assume my sexuality
M- NOPE your pretty open about it and have a boyfriend so
J- ok ok let's just go

We had gotten in my car and drove to the closes mall that was there and went inside we started walking around and I just started to think about Meghan and Tyler and about here ranks in there old pack Tyler he used to be a beta to his alpha and was actually pretty loyal and he's pretty dominant, Meghan on the other hand was a pack warrior even though she's not the best she could still take down somebody if she put her mind to it she does need help from time to time though. They must have seen that I was in my own little world but they didn't comment on it and just kept walking that's when I saw Tyler stiffen and stop walking I walked next to him and shook him

J- Tyler you ok bud
T- my mate he's here I can smell him
J- Tyler that's great well what are you waiting for go look for him
T- thanks bye

With that he took of down the mall looking for his mate

Tyler's pov ( surprise )

As we walked into the mall I could smell the most beautiful smell ever it was strawberries and baked cookies and let me tell you that had me going crazy after Joey let me go find him I left them I wondered through the mall until I could practically feel him his sent fit stronger and I smelled a hint of forest and dog ohhhhhhh my mates a werewolf two awsome  now I don't have to explain werewolves to him but what I did smell was another person on him and I didn't like it I ended up following his sent to the bathroom I heard whimpers and talking I walked in to see the most beautiful boy in the world in the floor getting beaten up by some stupid jock type person I knew the boy on the floor was my mate and immediately growled the jock boy turned and said

X- oi get out of here before I beat your ass too
T- if I where you I'd get out of here if you keep beating my mate
X - you mean this puny omega is your mate ha grey he's going to reject you the first chance he gets your so weak fine hope you die y-

I had enough of his talking and immediately grabbed him by his collar and pulled him off and growled

T- so help me if you're not out of here by the time I count to three your dead I don't care about what rank you are
T- 1 , 2 ,3

I'm guessing he got scared because he was out of there before I hit three I looked at my mate to see him scooting away in fear

T- hey hey don't worry Im Tyler i will never hurt you I promise
G-but that's what they said and look at me

He lifted his shirt up and showed me a bunch of bruises all along his torso and upper body  I picked him up and asked

T- who did this so help me they will get it I don't care if they all team up on me I will protect you
G- please-please d-don't make me g-go back
T- don't worry little one I will not let them lay a hand on you you are safe to come home with us
G- u-us there's m-more of you
T- well yes but Meghan is totally nice and Joey doesn't really open up to people and doesn't like talking much unless he's comfortable which is usually when his mate is there with him
G- will-will they be o-ok with m-me being t-there
T- of course they will in fact let's go I'd like for you to meet them and by the way what's your full name
G- m-my names G-Greyson, Greyson Carter
T- well Greyson shall we continue
G- w-we shall
T- ha I already know joeys going to love you seeing as you guys say the same  phrases

He just blushed and put his head down I walked closer to him and lifted his head up
T- don't hide beautiful
He smiled a very timid smile as I opened my arms for him to walk into he cradled into my side and let out a content whimper and smile that made my wolf swell with pride

from that moment in I vowed to protect my little mate even if it cost me my life I will keep him safe that's a promise

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