Daniels pov

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A/n sorry about the wait I got in trouble and couldn't use my electronics and had a thinking period about a lot of things so let's just leave off to were Daniel was talking to his dad

We had just gotten to my dads room when he called me towards the corner I had placed Joey in the table and let him rest I was talking to my dad when he asked many questions
D- Daniel did Joey say who bit him it will probably shed some light as to what's going on with him
D- no but I can go ask I can see if he even remembers
I walked over to Joey and asked him
D- j-Joey did the vampire that did this to you tell you his or her name it will be really helpful
He looked as if he was thinking or just staring of into space he looked completely blanked out but he came back only to say a name I thought I'd never have to hear again
J- I-I think he said his name was jack
Ughhhhhh not this again jack was my brother but when he was turned the guy that did it turned him evil and with the evil venom it changed him he became angry and mean and did anything to kill and show no mercy I thought he had lost his grudge but I guess not
D- ok thank you Joey
I walked back to my dad and told him
D- Joey said it was jack who bit him
D- this is not good you need to bite him so your venom will counteract his venom and we need to take him to the guardians once your done they will want to talk to him
D- o-ok I'll tell him
I walked over to Joey and he looked ready to pass out but he had to stay awake
D- Joey I need to bite you
J- w-what why
D- the guy who bite you is a bad vampire we have two types of venom one makes you good one makes you bad he released bad toxins in you and since he's reptilian your bites healed before we got there
J-o-ok just please it hurts
I don't want him to be in pain I want him to feel god so I grabbed his wrist and was brining it to my mouth when I stopped bent down and kissed him gently after I told him it was going to be ok and after that I sunk my fangs into his skin I started to suck his blood to get the bad venom out then to put my venom in Joey had feel asleep but then he started twitching and his eyes kept rolling back and fourth I had to stop because I didn't know what was happening
D- j- Joey Joey what's wrong
He responded but he was still shaking and his voice deeper and a voice I recognized not owned by Joey but by jack
J- oh hello I see your trying to save your boyfriend well it's not going to work after what I put him thru your never going to get him back he'll suffer until he ends it I'll make sure to keep an eye on you to buy since your trying to save him I'll just control him until you do
Than his voice changed into joeys but he was still shaking and his eyes were rolling to the back of his head and it didn't sound like Joey but it was pretty close
D- Daniel keep going it's not Joey its jack keep going
J- d-Daniel please it hurts s-stop trust me I'm real
D- Daniel don't listen if you love him you won't stop I'll tell you when to stop
I didn't know what to do I was nervous but ignored what he was saying and listened to my dad I kept sucking joeys warm blood and in return putting my venom in him he was crying but then he stopped he stopped shaking and his eyes returned back to normal
D- ok Daniel you can stop he should be fine but we still need to take him to the guardians just in case he still has evil in him ok
Than I heard his sweet voice one I loved so much one that I've missed for the pass hour
J- d-Daniel were-were am I
D- omg Joey I love u I love you please don't leave
J- don't worry I'm staying here with you but were am I
D- your in my dads office
J- were's your dad
I didn't even realize that my dad had left already and it was just me and Joey
D- he must have stepped out Joey I love you so much
J- I love y-
I didn't let him finish I just had to kiss him he looked shocked at first but then relaxed and kissed back it was soft and lovable at first but as we continued I slid my tongue under his lip and asked for an entrance he immediately complied and opened his mouth we fought for dominance but I let him win out tongues dancing together as the kiss deepened it got heated to were he was against the wall he was facing the wall still kissing my hands went to his hips and I heard him gasp then start to shake I didn't realize but he kept trying to push me away and when I finally realized he was in tears pushing me away and running to the bathroom I was clueless as to why he did that so I went to the bathroom hearing his sons and knocked on the door
D- j-Joey are you ok did I do something wrong
I heard him try to get quitter then he yelled while still sobbing
J- g-get away I'm calling Daniel
D- Joey I'm outside please what's wrong
J-I said get away jack
That made me very furious towards jack he touched Joey he's going to pay for hurting him I will make sure of it Joey wasn't getting out anytime soon so I went to get my dad and maybe he will realize he's ok
D- dad joeys having a flash back to when jack was attacking him and he thinks jack is here to molest him again can you help me get him out of the bathroom
D- yes of course
We walked towards the bathroom still hearing his sobs my dad had just knocked when I got a call from....... JOEY???
I answered and he sounded so scared it made me sad
J- d-Daniel he-he's back please help
D- no Joey he's gone it's ok I'm here just unlock the door ok I'm here and I'm not leaving you
J- *sniff* ok please don't leave
With that he hung up and his sobs got a little louder as he approached the door probably because he was far away from the door he unlocked it and opened it he saw me and immediately ran to me jumping on me and crying
J-Daniel please don't leave I love you so much I can't go thru that again I need you my step dad already put me thru that and he just made it worse please don't leave
That made me furious again his step dad touched him to t...THATS WERE HE GOT ALL HIS BRUISES I'm gonna kill the bitch
D- that's were you got all your bruises from when I first meet you didn't you your step dad did that to you didn't he
D- don't worry your never going back there unless your with me ok you are never going to go thru that again I'll make sure of that
J-thank you Daniel I love you so much
He looked at me and gave me a peck on the cheek I was pretty sure he was tired so I picked him up and walked to my room I set him down and went to change but as I turned I heard a whimper and Joey said
J- wait Daniel don't leave please I need u
I  turned around and knelt down
D- don't worry I'm just going to change I'm not leaving u ok i love u
He eased out a bit and nodded I got up and grabbed sweats and left to the bathroom when I was done I came back to see Joey with his shirt off and in his boxers on my bed asleep he's so cute I can't believe people would be so mean to him I picked him up and positioned him correctly and as I did I saw all his bruises and cuts I saw he was starting to get a black eye from what happened and it only made me very sad but I payed next to him and he immediately clung on to me this made me smile until I felt my eyes feel heavy and in the end I fell asleep with a smile on my face

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