Daniels pov

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A/n starts from text message between Joey and Daniel

                         4 hours later

It's been about 4 hours since me and Joey made a date arrangement honestly I love him so much he brings me so much happiness but I have to keep him safe because with as many years as I've lived you make bad enemy's I really hop-
D-Joey ok hide I'll be there soon please stay safe and quite they hopefully won't here you I love
J-I love you to Daniel please hurry
Ok let's go we have to save him I can just follow his sent and I'll find his house I started to walk to the corner were me and Joey told each other we loved each other I love him so much I really hope he's ok I smell his scent it smells of a beautiful cinnamon and sugar scent it's so amazing I can see that his Ora is fading and I have to quickly get there so I can save him when I get a call from him that sends me into complete panic mode
J- Daniel
D- Joey omg are you ok are you hurt
After that I hear a voice on the other line say
X- ohh you shouldn't have done that
I'm honestly so scared I have to call the one person I know will help me my step father
                      D-Daniel D-Daniels dad
D-dad I need your help I meet the boy of my dreams but somebody is there and he's being attacked and I need your help in case I can't handle this vamp
D- son ok well were are you if you can get to were he is I'll meet you there and help you get the son of a bitch that's hurting him and if it is a vampire then we will have to tell the guardians about him
D- thank you dad I'm almost there so just meet me know
D- ok stay safe until I get there
After I hung up I made it to were I sensed Joey to be and right when I got there my dad had made it and was walking behind me already we didn't even have to speak I immediately banged in the door and then I heard joeys voice
J- help me please
which I was glad to hear but at the same time he sounded in so much pain that I busted thru the door I didn't see him down stairs so I immediately went up stairs and what I saw made my heart shatter there he was tied to his bed with only boxers and a shirt on,two bite marks and blood everywhere but what he said next made me fill with anger towards who ever did this
J-d-Daniel I-I love y-y-o......
He's eyes were already closed so I knew that he didn't know I was there
D- Joey nonono your going to be ok I'm here please stay awake
D- Daniel you need to suck the venom out or else he'll turn and we won't be able to save him
D- but if I start I won't be able to stop every time I'm with him I want to taste his blood I want to save him but I don't know if I will be able to stop
D- if you really love him you will stop
D- ok
I grabbed joeys wrist and brought it to my mouth then my dad started to speak again
D-since it's only two bites you only need to do it for a couple seconds and that will take away the two bite affect
D- ok
I let my vampire side take over and let my fangs pop out I leaned in and bite his wrist he didn't react and that's what got me scared but when I looked up I could see that he was knocked out
D- ok Daniel the two bite affect is gone he will be ok but he isn't safe here so we need to take him to our house in the woods they won't find him there
D- ok
I picked him up and cared him thru his house and to the woods we had to run because we didn't want anybody to see even though it was late at night we got there and my step mom immediately came downstairs
                    DM-Daniels mom
DM- omg what happened and who is this is he going to be ok
D-he's a friend that I really like and we were supposed to go on a date but a vampire that probably has a grudge against me attacked him and bite him
DM- ok take him to the couch so we can keep an eye on him to make sure he's going to be ok
D- ok
I went to the living room and put him on the couch he was still shaking so I put a blanket on him I took a seat next to the couch and held his hand
D- please be ok I love you please we will catch who did this and they will pay I really hope nothing happened other than the beating please be ok please I need you
D- son I think I should check on him since we need to know what happened I need you to step out for a bit
D- ok
I had step out of the house and was only gone for a few minutes when my dad had stepped out of the house and started to talk to me about what happened
D- ok I'm really glad we made it in time to his house if not he would have been raped but all the person did was fill him up and kiss him that's all he has bruises and when we had gotten there his bite marks had already healed but I'm glad that you saw the faint marks on his wrist and neck to save him he has a sprained ankle and has lots of bruises it may be a while till he wakes up
D- OMG dad we have to tell the guardians since we know he's a vampire we have to tell them and are you sure he is fine
D- I have already called the guardians and told them they already told me to keep him safe and out of harms way and positive he should be fine but he will be uneasy after this he will probably have some night mares and flash backs but he should be fine
D- ok thank you dad I'm going inside to eat and be with him do we still have blood bags
D- yes in the fridge and make sure he is comfortable
With that he left probably to go eat I walked back inside to get the blood I untwisted the cap of the bag and drank I felt sluggish so I went to sit next to Joey as I sat there I started to fill tired see usually after we drink blood bags it takes a toll on us and makes us drowsy so it's kinda like a cup of warm milk that helps you fall asleep my eyelids start to get heavy and the last thing I saw was Joey and how he was sleeping peacefully on the couch

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